Chapter Sixteen: My Virgin Eyes Have Had Enough!

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Author's Note: Sorry It's been so long!! My computer, like I said, broke down! It's still not fixed, but I knew I had to update soon. I see I've gotten more followers and thank you all! This isn't a long chapter considering I had to write it on my tablet. I apologize for that! I hope you enjoy it anyway! Comment/Vote/Share! (:




Ryder's POV:

I guided her into the elevator and gently pressed her against the wall. No words were said as her mouth clamped down on mine. Why wasn't she this easy before? Maybe we should get drunk more often...Shutting off my thoughts, I began to focus on matching the pace she had set. Her hands had found their way to my head and were tangled in my black hair.

The kiss became more agressive as the elevator doors slid open. I placed my hands on her hips, letting them slide down to her thighs where I lifted her up. Her legs instantly wrapped firmly around me as I moved us out of the small space toward our empty hotel room. I pulled the card from my back pocket, still not breaking the kiss, and swiped it on the door. The clicking sound confirmed it was now unlocked, so I pulled it open.

Once it was closed, I pushed her back up against it and put distance between our lips only to trail kisses down her neck instead. That didn't last for long because soon she held my head back. My gaze drifted from her breathtaking blue eyes toward her swollen rosy lips that met my own once again. It wasn't one of those romantic kisses, not even in the slightest bit. It was one of the kisses that usually ended up taking people to bed.


Kameryn's POV:

"Guys stop!" I tries once more, only to get a shoe to the chest. Yes, you heard correctly. Chase had thrown a man's shoe at me. How nice. Please note my sarcasm. It's crazy how fast things can go from being calm and peaceful to hectic and downright annoying! One minute, everyone's hanging out and having a good time, and then soon everyone's in a fight of some sort! I've been trying to stop ot all but that's been no good. Trey ditched me to go fight with Callis, Aria and Ryder disappeared, and I can't find Jenson anywhere! I've got a bad feeling about all of this. Tyler thought this trip was a good idea, and to be honest, I thought so too. I thought it'd be a gpod bonding experience, and when I look around at my crazy family, a smile starts to creep its way onto my face. Callis, Trey, Tyler, and Jayden seemed to be having the time of their life as they beat the crap out of some guys. The others who have been having a hard time, had smiles on their faces as they fought side by side. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all! If only I knew where Jenson, Aria, and Ryder were, this would be the cherry on top of a fantastic day! I saw something move down in a dark corrider and decided to go check it out, thinking Jenson was maybe down there. Turns out, it was just some drunk hill billy. I smirked, and stepped aside as the guy wobbled away, bumping into things every once in awhile. I heard a sound coming from a nearby door that probably led to a room and made my way over to it. Please God, do not have someone doing the naughty in here, i beg of you. I have seen enough of Barrett and Ashley over the years!! My virgin eyes have had enough! I can't take it anymore-

"Jenson?!" I gasped.

"KAMERYN! Thank God! Have I told you that you are my favorite brother!" Jenson hopped up and gave me a man hug.

I smirked, "I think it was implied over the few years."

Jenson rolled his eyes at me and chuckled.

"What happened?" We asked at the same time.

"You first," I told him. When he finds out what's going on out there, who knows what'll happen...But I mean come on! I deserve an explanation of how my brother ended up locked in a bathroom...alone!

"This girl offered me some drinks, I took them, had to go to the bathroom, long story short, the handle came off and next thing I know I was stuck in here for hours! Now shoot!" He rambled off, quickly.

"Ryder and Aria disappeared along with Jet and Rumor. The others are fighting some angry poker guys but on the bright side they're bonding through that!" I replied in the same kind of tone.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...Ryder and Aria disappeared?" He asked, his voice was laced with pain. His eyes proving he was hurt.

"We don't know that for sure! For all we know, Ryder and Rumor could've went off together, and Aria could've left to the hotel room. You know she doesn't like this sort of thing," I tried to reassure him. Lets just hope I'm right..

"Yeah, you're probably right..." Jenson nodded briefly before pushing me out of the bathroom, "come on, let's go stop the others before the security guards show up. Aunt Clarity will have our heads for sure!" With that, we rushed out of the hallway into the casino once more.

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