Chapter Twenty-Nine: I'm Still A Kid

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Author's Note: So it's finally summer! You have no idea how flipping happy I am. School wasn't the only reason as to why I haven't updated though-I absolutely had no idea how to start this chapter or what to even write. So, I apologize if you don't necessarily like this chapter. I'm really having tons of trouble of thinking of new ideas--not to mention my mind's been all over the place. There will be more frequent updates-I know you're probably like "you always say that"--Well, I have lots of free time on my hands now. Alsoo, if I get 15 votes and 15 comments(From different people, this is to get people who don't normally say anything to speak up and share their feelings and thoughts) I will update early and give you guys a little treat. As in a JensonXAria moment (Or #Jaria-Shout out to Agirl101 for coming up with that ship name) or a RyderXAria moment. Comment which one!(: So yeah, I've basically just been talking your guys' ears off and some of you might not even read this, haha. If you did, sweet. If you don't, don't worry it won't hurt my feelings lol. Enjoy the chapter, guys. Comment/Vote/Share.



Jenson's POV:

"What's up with you, Kam?" I asked, watching Kameryn sling his backpack across the game room and plop down in the black bean bag next to my blue one.

"This family," Kameryn nearly growled, taking the remote from my hand. Not that I cared, I wasn't watching anything. He changed it from Ridiculousness to Spongebob. I gave him a weird look.

"I'm still a kid," Kameryn mumbled, "Spongebob's a classic."

"Whatever you say," I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Why does everyone like Ryder?" kameryn asked, out of the blue, "He's caused everything yet he's still some superstar. For some reason, they all hate me. They're going to feel like crap when...--" Kameryn abruptly stopped and covered up what he was going to say with a cough.

"When what , Kam?" I asked, my eyes narrowing with curiosity. Kameryn shook his head, "It's nothing...Nothing that matters anyway."

Kameryn tossed the remote onto the ground and got up. He walked out the door without a word, the door clicking as it shut. Something's going on and I intend to find out what.


I grabbed Tyler by the collar of his shirt, making him come to a stop. After the little episode with Kameryn, I came down to the living room to find Tyler about to leave the house. If anyone has answers, it'd be Tyler Woods.

"How much do you know, Tyler? You're the biggest eavesdropper in this family. Tell me what all happened while I was gone."

Tyler sighed and turned to face me, "Everything?"

"Everything. I know you're Ryder's little puppy but you need to open up and tell me everything or else. For once, I'm asking you to speak and not to shut up."

"First off--I'm not Ryder's 'puppy'. I'm not anyone's anything. Second off--I don't take kindly to threats and before you say 'It's not a threat, it's a promise', I'll save you the speech and tell you all I know."

"Come on then, get to it," I ordered, causing Tyler to roll his eyes.

"Sit down." I raised an eyebrow before doing as I was told. Tyler dug his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sighed.

"Where to begin..." he mumbled to himself.

"How about why this family is back to where it started before Aria came?"

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