Chapter Three: Don't Turn Into The Hulk, Man!

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I hopped up off of the couch and made my way into my room, where my phone was ringing. I picked it up and answered it, "Helloo?" I sung.

"Sup Jenson," I heard my brother greet. I smiled, it's been forever since I've talked to my favorite brother.

"Yo Kammy, what's up?" I asked, walking out of my room.

"Same ol', same ol'. What about you? Anything happen with Miss Wolff I should know about?" I groaned and he chuckled, "That good or that bad?"

"I fucked up," I came clean and sighed.

"Figured you would..."

"What's up with people figuring so much lately?" I growled, rolling my eyes.

"Don't turn into the Hulk, man, I'm just saying. Maybe you should get out of there," Kameryn advised.

"What do you mean, Kam?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Come home, Jenson, bring Aria," Kameryn replied.

"Kameryn...Ryder is home. Are you stupid?" I asked. What the hell has he been smoking? I started to take a drink of my beer, waiting for Kameryn to answer.

"Ryder has a girlfriend," Kameryn chuckled. I coughed and spit the beer out. It burned my throat and that made me cough harder.

"Jenson? You alright, dude?" Kameryn asked. Once I calm down I stammered, "Y-Yeah...perfect."

Kameryn laughed, "Shocked, are we?"

"Totally," I chuckled, "What the fuck happened there?"

"I don't know, to be honest. One day he brought over some girl and I guess they hit it off. They've been dating for a couple months."

"You sure it's solid enough for me to take Aria back?" I asked. I can't risk anything especially since I made her pissed at me the other day. She still hasn't come back.

"Yeah, man, trust me," Kameryn reassured.

"Alright..." I agreed, "But don't tell the others I'm coming back, lets keep it a surprise."

Kameryn chuckled, "Everyone loves surprises." I laughed with him, "Yup."

I heard the front door open and close and whispered, "Hey, I think she's home. I got to go. See you in a couple days, bro."

"See ya," Kameryn said. I hung up and tossed my phone onto the couch and grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels and sipping on my beer. Aria came into the living room and I looked at her. She was wearing some sort of rich blue dress that swayed above her knees and some black high heels to go along with it. Her blonde hair was curled and pulled back into a simple bun. Well, simple for her. She looked amazing...

"Jenson...I'm so sorry," she apologized. My jaw literally dropped to the floor. I thought Ryder had mood swings, boy was I wrong.

"Uh..." I started.

"I was being such a bitch," she rambled on, "I mean forcing you to make food without telling you to and doing all that, it was just horrible. I can't believe I did that, I feel so bad. Then calling you those names, I don't know what went over me-"

"Aria," I tried to stop her rant.

"And you have been so wonderful, I mean letting me stay here for so long, I can't go around forcing you and demanding that you-" I quickly got off the couch and covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shh..." I whispered. She blushed and I chuckled. I pulled back, my hand dropping to my side.

"Aria, it's cool. I actually wanna ask you something," I began.

She looked confused before she started rambling again, "OMG, you're gonna ask me to leave, aren't you? I knew it...look I know I was horrible to you and all but-" Are you serious? I stared at her like she was crazy and put my hand over her mouth again. She instantly shut up and I reassured her, "I'm not asking you to leave, New Jersey."

"Wouh dank Tod," she exclaimed around my hand. I looked at her dumbfound and asked, "What?" She rolled her blue eyes and pushed my hand off of her mouth. "Oh thank God," she repeated so I could understand her this time. I chuckled, "Yeah."

"Then what did you want to ask me?" she asked confused, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"If you wanted to go on a little trip with me," I told her.

"What kind of trip? Are you gonna take me somewhere to kill me for being a bitch?" she asked, cautiously before joking, "In that case, no thank you."

I smirked, "Please, I don't want to and I'm not going to kill you. I was wondering if you wanted to go to L.A with me to visit my family."

Her eyes lit up and I hoped she was happy to see Kameryn or someone and not mister you know who. "I would love to! Let me go pack! We should get the first flight out of here!" she ran out of the room and up the stairs.

"Oh yay," I cheered with false enthusiasm. I glanced up at the stairs where she had disappeared and sighed. This was a lot harder than I expected...

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