Chapter Twenty-Four: Enough Talking

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I entered an empty house, the door making a click as it shut firmly. My footsteps echoed across the room. Where was everybody? It was unusually quiet and for once peaceful.

I made it to my room, throwing open the door carelessly, hauling my shirt over my head.

"Great show. Should I throw a dollar your way?" someone chuckled from behind me. I turned to see Aria smirkng at me.

I gave her a lopsided grin and threw my shirt into the hamper. "Where were you?" I asked, wandering about my room looking for my white wife beater.

"Kameryn and Jenson dragged me to a haunted house. When things got extremely creepy, I fled," she explained, sitting on the edge of my bed. I glanced at her, raising a brow.

"You left the others there?" I questioned.

"Yep," she nodded, popping the 'p'.

I chuckled and gave up on finding the shirt. I walked over toward her, putting my hands on either side of her.

"Aw, were you scared, Tink?" I teased. She blushed and hit my chest with her hand. I reached up and pinched her cheek.

"Aw, now the Princess is blushing," I continued, "Maybe I should give you something to blush about." That made her cheeks heat up even more but nevertheless, she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You better be a good kisser," she warned, "Other than that, you're wasting my time."

I snorted at that, "Babe, you're the one wasting precious oxygen, you could be kissing this god right here."

She rolled her eyes, 'That'd be too easy."

"So now you choose to play hard to get," I chuckled, pressing my lips to her collarbone softly. The intake of her breath made me grin smugly. I still have a big effect on her.

"I-I was always hard to get," she breathed, as I trailed kisses up her neck and across her cheek.

"Enough talking, Princess," I murmured, capturing her lips with mine.


Author's Note: It's short, I know. But hey, better than nothing. I already have other chapters written out, just need to find time to write them. I've noticed not as many people comment as they use to...actually no one's commented since I've been back o.0

Please comment guysss! I love to hear your guys thoughts and what you all think is gonna happen. Like if your still Team Ryder or Team Jenson. Thanks for the votes, though! And all the reads! It means A LOT! It encourages me to continue, even though idiotic teachers decide to give me work at the end of the year. Like what the heck, the year's almost over. Why try? Haha. Anyway, comment and vote! If you're a new reader, think about following me. In a couple days when I get time, I plan on going on a following spree, since I barely follow anyone. I'll probably follow all of you guys. To make this interesting, if you comment you'll be the first I follow(: Now goodbye my Wattpad Buds, I'll be updating Saturday. Have a great day/night!(:

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