Chapter Twenty-Two: Unless You're Too Scared

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"I wanna go to a HH," Kameryn thought out loud.

"HH?" I asked, turning my attention away from the TV to look at my brother. He threw a couple of Cheetos in his mouth and nodded.

"What's that?" I questioned when he did not elaborate.

"Look it up," he munched on another one of his Cheetos.

"How about you save me some time and tell me."

"But then that'd be too easy," he smirked, his sea green eyes sparkling in amusement.

"You're starting to annoy me," I shot him daggers. Kameryn just chuckled and continued devouring his snack.

"Guys?" I heard Aria call.

"In here," Kameryn  yelled. Way to bust my ear drum, bro.

I heard some feet bouncing against the steps before the familiar blonde stuck her head into my room.

"I couldn't find anybody else here," she told us, "Care if I join?"

Kameryn raised an eyebrow at me as if asking if I'm alright with it. I just shrugged as he said, "Sure."

She plopped down into a seat between me and Kam.

"Whatcha guys up to?" she asked.

"Watching the X Factor," Kameryn answered, finishing off his Cheetos.


"Not really, I'm bored," he whined.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Well, I don't see you throwing out any ideas."

"Yes I did! The HH!" He protested, hopping out of his chair and waving his finger around.

"HH?" Aria looked at me confused.

"I don't even know," I shrugged.

"Wow, you people are clueless! Living in England with a bunch of idiots, huh?" Kameryn crossed his arms, examining us.

"I've been living with her," I pointed at Aria.

"And I've been living with him," she pointed back at me.

"That explains it," Kameryn smirked. Aria slapped his arm while I slapped him upside the head.

"Ouch. By golly you guys are aggressive!" he mumbled, rubbing his head.

"You called up idiots!" Aria exclaimed.

"No all I said was 'Living in England with a bunch of idiots, huh?' and you guys pointed at each other. Therefore you guys called each other idiots, not me. So don't slap me, slap each other!"

"I can't hit a girl!" I said, appalled.

"I can hit you, though," Aria smirked before slapping me.


"Hey is for horses!"

"So you must be hungry, therefore I must say hey back!" Kameryn ended. What the fuck. I gave him an odd look.

"What's up with you and saying 'therefore'?" I asked, chuckling.

"Makes me sound official," Kameryn snickered.

"Makes you sound like Shakespeare," I smirked before laughing harder.

"Whatever," Kameryn exclaimed in a high pitched girly voice. And this, my friend, is how we all ended up on the floor clutching our stomachs, laughing.

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