Chapter Twenty-Six: A Very Stupid Decision

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I groaned in frustration, trying to pry open the door. Of course, no luck. I bet you're wondering what is going on.

Well, after being dragged upstairs by the one and only Tyler Woods to find Grasshopper, we stumbled into this creepy room. The room Tyler and I had told the others in order to scare them. We had then heard a bang nearby, and being us, we went out to investigate.

I'm just going to tell you straight out that this was a very stupid decision. Hard to believe, huh? That the Kameryn Woods would make a stupid decision.

Anyway, moving on. Tyler had then screamed out 'Grasshopper' and ran into the room. Me? Well, I just stood there looking like a dumb ass, not sure what was happening.

What happened next was even more astounding. The door slammed closed and the same scream from before echoed throughout the house.

Now, you're caught up. I tried pulled the door open again. The only sound was the rustling of the door knob as I turned it over and over again, trying to get this damned thing to open.

"Tyler, do you hear me?" I called, tugging once more on the pathetic excuse for a door.

"Kameryn get me out of this fucking death trap!" he yelled.

"What's going on in there? The door won't budge!"

"There's a little girl staring at Grass and I!" he stated. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Bro, this is not funny! Get us out of here!"

"How am I-"

"You're going to have to push it, not pull," someone advised from behind me, almost making me piss my pants. I turned slowly to see a guy around my age with a black hat on. His light gray eyes seemed to him less frightening.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I think the real question is: Who are you?"


"Kameryn! I can't take this anymore, open the damn door!" Tyler screamed. The guys' mouth lifted up slightly, amused.

I turned around and pushed the door. It opened with ease. Wow, way to make me look pathetic. I felt heat creep up my neck and ducked my head, embarrassed. Grasshopper and Tyler ran out only to bump into Jenson and Callis.

The little girl walked to the boy. She looked like your typical little girl. Long brown hair pulled up into pigtails, bright green sundress with white sandals. I don't see what's so scary about her. Then she turned around to look at me, a long scar went down her face diagonally. My mouth parted in surprise. 

"You're just lucky the actual owner of this house didn't find you trespassing," the boy smirked, glancing at each of us.

"Who might that be?" Callis asked.

"My Great Grandfather," he replied, "He runs this Haunted House."

"Told you it was-"

"A fake Haunted House, for people to come to on Halloween," the guy cut off Tyler.

"Morons," Jenson laughed. Tyler glared at him. I chuckled as Callis grinned. Haven't seen him do that since Aria left. Speaking of Aria....

"Where's Aria," I asked, drawing Jenson's attention.

"She fled after screaming at Callis," Jenson smiled at the memory, trying not to laugh. That didn't stop Tyler and I from doing so, even Grasshopper started to.

"You guys should head out," the guy advised.

"Yeah," Jenson agreed, "Thanks for helping us out."

"No problem. The name's Zing," he told us. Zing? That's the right there. 

"Well, Tyler screamed my name, so you know who I am," I stated.

"And Kameryn just said my name," Tyler grinned, brushing imaginary dust off of his shirt.

"I'm Jenson, and that's Callis and Grasshopper," Jenson introduced.

"Grasshopper? Nice," Zing laughed, "No need to tell me though. You all are the Woods."

"Yep," we nodded, as we began to descend the stairs.

"That's my sister Abigail, by the way," Zing told us, smiling fondly at his little sister-who was holding onto his hand- once we neared the door.

"She's scary," Grasshopper mumbled, causing Jenson and I to laugh our butts off.

"Trust me, she's not," Zing smirked, opening the door for us without another word.

Remind me never to come back here. 

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