Chapter Six: You're A Dead Man, Jet

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Aria’s  back….The thought kept racing through my mind as Rumor rambled on about how her friend betrayed her. I honestly didn’t give a fuck at the moment. Even if Aria wasn’t back, I’d probably still wouldn’t care about what my girlfriend was saying. The only thing on my mind was Aria. I haven’t seen her, only Jenson. I wonder if she’s changed at all…I know she’s here though because Jenson wouldn’t have left without Aria tagging along. Chase had also confirmed that she was here but hasn’t seen her either. Why does this house have to be so big? Sure if I ran into her, I have no clue as to what she would do. Perhaps her and Jenson are already an item. No man and woman can live together without something happening. Rumor only complicates the situation more…Perhaps Aria forgot about me. No…Nobody can just forget about me, especially after I kiss them, my cocky mind objected. True…Wait am I having a discussion with myself? I groaned out loud and Rumor stopped talking and looked at me alarmed, “Are you okay?”

“What?” I asked, not paying attention once again.

“Did you even listen to what I said?” she asked, getting up and putting a tanned hand on her bony hip.

“Um sure?” stop talking…

“RYDER!?” she squealed. I winced at the sudden noise and glared at her, “So loud…”

“I can be louder, maybe then you can hear me,” she snapped, picking up her bag.

“Where are you going?” I questioned, getting up as well.

“Home,” she muttered, storming out of my room. I rolled my eyes and trailed after her.

“How do you expect to do that? I drove you here.” Nice thinking Rumor…Now I see why you got all those bad grades.

“I’ll get a taxi,” she answered, making her way to the elevator, flipping her light brown hair. I saw Callis and Jet poke their heads out of Tristan’s room. Great, we’re making a scene.

“Have a fun walk to the main road, it’s about a block away,” I smirked. She really isn’t the smartest person out there. Obviously.

She huffed and crossed her arms, coming to a halt right in front of the elevator. Speechless, eh?

I saw Jet’s mischievous grin out of the corner of my eye. I quickly spun toward him ready to tell him to think twice when he offered, “I’ll give you a ride, ma’am.” Ma’am? I snorted, my hand clenching in my pocket. I chuckled silently thinking ‘You’re a dead man, Jet’.

“Thank you, kind sir,” Rumor smiled, showing her perfect white teeth. She gently took my cousin’s hand and together they climbed into the elevator. Soon the doors closed and they were gone. I glanced over at Callis who shrank back into our brother’s room, closing the door behind him.

“You okay?” I heard her angelic voice ask. It only took two words to cause my whole body to freeze and stay glued to this spot. Did she see the fight? Well nah duh…Why else would she be asking me if I was okay! Oh God, I’m arguing with myself again.

“Ryder?” she called, bringing me out of my thoughts. I took a deep breath, trying to relax myself, and turned around. My breath instantly caught in my throat at the sight. Her used to be long curly blonde hair was now cut up to her shoulders and straight. Her eyes were still electrifying like last time, at least that never changed…Her smoky gray trapeze dress had a geo tribal print, with a plain black T-Shirt underneath it. It hung a little above her knees and was loose fitted. Her black high heels finished the outfit.

“Hey, my face is up here, squall,” she smirked at me and pointed her manicured finger at her head.

I smirked back, “Sure is.”

She rolled her eyes and repeated, “Are you okay?” Stop asking me that.

“I don’t know,” I replied. Not about Rumor, but about Aria.

“She’ll come back,” she reassured me. I raised an eyebrow before chuckling, “They always do.” Maybe she’d take the hint..

She just smiled at me and said, “You look good, haven’t changed much, huh?”

“Nope,” I answered before saying, “Got a haircut that’s about the only change.”

“So did I,” she nodded.

“Yeah but you…you changed a lot,” I gave her a lopsided smile before slipping past her and heading back toward my room.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, confused. I stopped and glanced back at her, “You’re smart, Princess, figure it out yourself.”

I saw her mumbling some things to herself, but decided to just go into my room before anything else happens. I pushed open my door and quickly closed her.

“Shit…” I cursed, sliding my back down the door and resting on the ground with my head in my hands.

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