Chapter Thirty-Five: You've Made Your Decision

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Jenson's POV:

I grabbed another T-Shirt and shoved it into my bag, repeating the process over and over again until a small knock diverts my attention. I glance up to see Aria at my door with a blue night gown on, her hair pulled back into a bun--a very messy one. She looked completely different--she looked like Aria that had come here with nothing but a jewelry box.

"What are you doing?" she asked quietly, taking my eyes away from her beauty and back to my suitcase that is stuffed with my clothes.

"I'm leaving," I answered, grabbing more clothes.

"What? Why?" she asked, coming into my room.

I zipped up my bags and put them on my bed, not looking at her.

"You've made your decision, Aria. You've made it without even knowing," I whispered.

"What are you talking about, Jenson?"

"Are you that clueless or are you just pretending you don't have a clue?" I inquired, finally looking at her. 

I didn't give her time to answer as I rushed out, "I'm in love with you Aria, I've been in love with you that time I caught you listening to me singing."

Her perfect blue eyes widened and I continued, "But it doesn't matter now. Look, I need time. I need time to get over you, that's why I'm leaving-"


"I wish you and Ryder a happy life together. I hope he doesn't make any more stupid mistakes and that he has realized that you are the best thing that's happened to this family--to us." I slung one of my bags over my shoulder and grabbed the rest with my hands, escaping the suffocating room. I descended the stairs, hearing Kameryn and Aria shout my name. By now the whole house has come out to see what was happening--which is the last thing I wanted. 

I threw open the front door and got down the porch steps when I heard, "You promised me, Jenson." I almost came to a halt--almost. I did, however, glance back as I made my way to my car. Kameryn stood there, his blue eyes glistening in the moonlight. He had betrayal written all over his face.

"I'm sorry, Kameryn, but I have to go."

I slid into my car to see Aria go and comfort Kameryn. He rejected her comfort and rushed back into the house as I drove away.


Ryder's POV:

I came in the back way, hoping everyone was asleep so I could go into my room peacefully and sleep off all the news i've heard.

Of course, things never go my way nowadays.

All my family members were up and they were now staring at Kameryn who was storming into the house. And who was his eyes set on? You guessed it--me.


His fist connected with my face, throwing me back a couple steps.

"Hope you're happy. You won, bitch," Kameryn growled, running back out of the house. We heard his car start and drive off with Tyler and Chase yelling, "Kameryn stop!"

I looked over at Aria to see her staring at me, her face soaked with new tears.


"Be quiet," she mumbled, pulling me into the kitchen. She walked to the freezer and pulled out an ice pack. She came back a second later after wrapping it in a towel and put it on my face. I winced slightly and looked at her, but her eyes were only focused on the bruise that I'm sure is forming.

"Aria, I know you're pregnant."

Her breath hitched but she still didn't look at me.

"And I'm not going anywhere," I told her, causing her to finally look me in the eye.

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