Chapter Four: Hey, You Replaced Me First

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Author's Note: Sorry for the late update, this isn't much but I will be updating more often I hope (: Enjoy




"Hit me, baby, one more time!"

“Aria!” I yelled. She’s been singing different songs during the whole flight.

“Sorry, I have a concert coming up soon, I got to be ready.”

“You’ll be fine,” I reassured, carelessly, glancing out the window. I felt her gaze on me so I sighed and looked at her.

“What about you? You’re the number one popstar in England and U.S. Don’t you think you should be practicing your songs?”

“This is a get away, New Jersey, it’s time to relax, then when we get back we can do whatever. How about you sing for fun sometime. Not constantly practicing 24/7 making my ears ring for the entire flight.”

“Oh sorry, Woods, didn’t know my singing was so terrible,” she snapped. I rubbed my forehead. Why does she have to be so…..

“That’s not what I’m saying, Aria. You’re obviously under a lot of stress, or whatever it is. So just calm and relax for this trip, okay?” I tried to soothe her.

“Fine,” she sighed and took out her earplugs.

“We’re here,” the pilot called, as the plane began to descend.

“Yippy,” I sarcastically replied, as my house started to come closer.

Once we landed, Aria quickly made her way off the jet, I followed close behind but at a slower pace. Once we crossed the road and rounded the house, I immediately saw Barrett on the porch talking to Tristan and Trevor.

“Well you guys sure did age,” I joked, smirking. Barrett stopped talking and grinned at us, Tristan and Trevor turned around and yelled, “JENSON!” and came running toward me.

“Hey, don’t forget me,” Aria laughed. After they greeted me they threw their arms around Aria. Barrett jumped off the porch and walked toward me, “What made you come out here?”

“We needed a break,” I laughed, not saying the whole story.

“Sure, sure,” my cousin waved it off and walked the rest of the way to Aria, engulfing her into a hug. I glanced at them before looking at the home I had left years ago. I let out a long and heavy sigh before picking up my bag once more and climbing the steps. I threw open the door and slid inside, to find Kameryn at the counter eating a sandwich and watching a show on the Plasma TV hanging from the wall.

“Is this what I’ll always walk in on?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow and dropping my bag beside the door. Kameryn turned his head toward me, a grin spreading across his face, “You know I love my food.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I chuckled, walking toward him, “Where’s my warm welcome?”


“FOX GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!” Jet interrupted us as he came running down the stairs after the toddler.

“GRASSHOPPER!” Tyson called, running after Jet before seeing us.

“Jenson?!” his mouth formed an ‘O’ shape and then Grasshopper came running out with scissors toward Fox.

“DIE BITCH DIE!” he screamed.

“Grass no!” Tyson barked, quickly picking up the six year old.

Woods Is Where The Heart Is {Sequel To FTW}Where stories live. Discover now