Chapter Twenty-Eight: You're The Devil Trapped In A Little Boy's Body

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"Aria, will you hurry up in there?" I asked for the tenth time, reaching my breaking point. What is up with girls and bathrooms? I banged on the door, an irritated sigh escaped my lips.

"Girls spend way to much time in bathrooms," I muttered, flopping down onto my bed. 

"Oh hush," Aria chided, walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her securely.

"Sweet baby Jesus," I murmured, turning my blue gaze away. Think of the old lady at the Super Market last year. The image of the old lady trying to dry hump me popped into my mind. I visibly grimaced, bile rising in my throat. That lady was a cougar and needed some help.

"You alright?" Aria asked, concern etching her features.

"Yeah," I chuckled, nervously. I scratched the back of my neck before stopping myself. What is wrong with me? I never get nervous.

She stared at me awhile longer before nodding curtly and walking over to her suitcase.

"You better hurry up and go use the bathroom. We're leaving in fifteen," she told me as she bent down to retrieve clothes from the bright pink bag. Grandmas, Ryder, Grandmas.

I quickly got into the bathroom, grimacing once again when the old lady appeared once more in my mind.


I parked the car in the only vacant spot outside the coffee shop, turning off the ignition and glancing at the blonde next to me.

She had her short hair curled, her pink highlights seemed brighter in the sunlight.

Aviators covered her blue eyes, much to my disappointment. She climbed out of the car, smiling. Her white sundress blew slightly due to the light breeze.

"C'mon Woods," she flashed a smile in my direction before heading off inside the small shop. 

I grabbed my keys and pushed the door open, stepping out. I put my hand up to block the sunlight as I slammed my door shut and walked to the entrance.

The bell dinged as I thrust it open, the smell of donuts and coffee wafted toward me. I spotted Aria already at a booth with the Devil himself. I smirked at the thought, remembering how Aria would call me Devil Child.

I walked the short distance to her, and slid in right beside her. I draped my arm over the back of the seat as Benji smirked at me.

"Sup, Ryder," he held out a hand which I shook, grinning.

"Brown," I gave a curt nod, pieces of my jet black hair fell over my eyes.

"Benji, I missed you!" Aria beamed, literally reaching over the table to hug him.

She laughed when he awkwardly patted her back.

"You know  I'm not much of a hugger, munchkin," Benji stated as Aria slowly let go of him and sat back next to me in the booth.

"You know how I get when I'm excited," Aria said, laughing nervously while tucking a loose curl behind her ear.

Benji glanced at me, twirling his finger in a circle near his head while pointing at Aria. I grinned and looked at Aria. Her arms were crossed as she glared at us.

"Trust me, Princess, everyone knows how you get when you're excited," I smirked.

Benji chuckled and dropped his hands on the table, messing with a ring as he mindlessly gazed at the floor.

Aria gasped, bringing Benji's attention to her. I smirked again, relief flowing through me for some reason.

"You're married?" Aria asked, excitedly. Benji's eyebrows rose then realized what he was doing.

Woods Is Where The Heart Is {Sequel To FTW}Where stories live. Discover now