Chapter Nine: I Thought We Had Something Special

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“Yes,” the blonde had replied, looping her arm through my cousin’s.

“WHAT?!” the group of boys surrounding us shouted. When did they get here? Trust me, to say I was shocked was an understatement. Tyler might’ve been right, she could be pregnant now. My eyes slowly scanned her stomach and I heard Rumor nudge me thinking I was checking out her chest instead. I quickly looked up to see Aria’s blue eyes boring into my own. I turn to see Kip’s smirk falter and replaced with shock.

“I forgot my hockey bag, and I come in here to hear this,” Tyler gasped, putting a hand over his heart. I roll my eyes at my stupid brother. “I thought we had something special,” he fake cried. Kip laughed along with Grasshopper who was still beside Tyler. Aria laughed softly and said, “Tyler it just wasn’t working out.”

Tyler huffed and started to stalk away but he failed miserable when we heard his laughter echo throughout the house. Grasshopper scurried after him while  Chase stepped forward and looked Aria up and down skeptically. “Together, eh?” his smirk was plastered on his face as he looked from Aria to Jenson. Jenson cast a sideways glance at Aria and I saw her elbow him and he stated, “Uh huh, yep.” He placed his hand on his side and glared at his ‘girlfriend’.

“Well, well, isn’t this a surprise…Wouldn’t you agree, Ryder?” Chase’s dark green eyes turned toward me. I replaced my shock look with my own usual smirk, “Nah, these two have been living in the same house for four years. Something was bound to happen.”

Aria’s eyes widened but she narrowed them at me and stated, “Yes, there was, and there is.” Jenson raised an eyebrow and whispered, “What?” I continued to smirk at them while Aria pushed Jenson’s head away with her hand.

“So you guys got down and dirty, huh?” Blake took a spot next to Kip against the wall, his head tilted to the side. “Down and dirty,” Aria whispered. I saw Jenson pinch the back of her hand at the same she nodded, “Yes.”

“WHAT?!” the house chorused again. I heard Jenson utter some cuss words across from me.

“What Jenson? Are you shy that you’re girlfriend told us the truth?” I chuckled, on the outside I may look like I’m taking this news well and am unaffected. On the inside, my emotions are about to burst through my skin. Okay, that’s taking it a bit far, but hey, it’s true.

“Truth?” Jenson backfired, “What do you people know about the truth? This whole house is full of lies.”

“What are you talking about, Jens’?” Clay asked, stuffing his hands in his pocket. I heard the door open and close and turned to see Tyler leading Grasshopper away through the window.

“Grasshopper. Doesn’t. Remember. Aria. Why not? I know something happened,” Jenson continued. You could feel the tension in the house, I’m sure everyone felt it. It was enough to suffocate everyone. Why bring up Grasshopper now? We’re talking about you and Aria.

Cable opened his mouth to speak but Chase clamped his hand around it and stated, “Shit happens, deal with it.”

“What about you, Chase? You change, then we leave, we come back and you’re the same person before you changed,” Jenson barked. Jenson stop before you start more unnecessary fights.

“Again, shit happens,” Chase told him, his green eyes narrowing at our cousin.

“Shit doesn’t happen without a reason, and I won‘t leave again till I figure it out,” Jenson turned and stormed off.

“What about you Jenson,” Hunter called out, “You’re the one who’s changed.” I heard Rumor cough next to me and shift uncomfortably. Oh shit, I forgot about her. I looked at her, “I’ll drive you home.”

“Okay,” she smiled at me and took my hand. I saw Aria’s eyes brim with unshed tears. I sighed and glanced back at Rumor, “Just give me a couple of minutes.”

She nodded, “I’ll be in the kitchen,” and walked off. I turned toward Aria who turned away from me. I sighed and gently took her hand and pulled her to me. I cupped her cheek and pushed her head over so she was looking directly at me.

“You okay?” I asked. Is this how every conversation with us is going to start?

She gave me a small smile and mumbled, “Yeah, go take your girlfriend home.”

“I can get someone else to-”

She shook her head, “Jenson is here.” She turned and made her way to the stairs. Those three words made my blood boil as I turned and stalked off. So she thinks Jenson’s better than me, huh? We’ll see about that.


Author's Note: Okay here's Chapter Nine. Are you guys still routing for Jenson/Aria or are you going for Ryder/Aria? Comment and tell me your thoughts. If you liked the chapter please vote. Enjoy (:


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