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Not a update, sorry! Computer is still broke & I haven't found a way to get it fixed, and haven't had time. So, I just have those questions answered. ^Unedited^ Enjoy: 

Question & Answers 


Q-Aria, Are you starting to fall for Ryder? How does it feel to be liked by two boys?

A-Aria: Erm, I guess in a way I am attracted to him but he's still a jerk/player nonetheless so I don't think I'll let my guard down and fall for him...I hope. Being liked by two boys isn't a joy ride...but it makes you feel like you're actually worth something but It's also difficult on my part! 


Q-Ashley-Do you regret sleeping with Barrett?

A-Ashley: I did at first knowing the Woods Boys rep, but now not so much. I love him and I love Fox, I wouldn't want either one to be gone. 


Q-Benji-How can you be so easy going & care-free? Do you have a tiny crush on Aria?

A-Benji: It's just the way I grew up. People are always going to do stupid and crazy shit no matter what so I learn to not give a damn unlike some girls(No offense) And no I never had a crush on Aria & I don't plan to either. 


Q-Ryder-What are your thoughts on marrying Aria? What do you think she's going to do when she wakes up the next morning?

A-Ryder: oh gawd....To be honest I'd never do a stunt like that...I'm 20 years old & too young for that kind of commitment! Aria's going to flip out that's for sure, but hey, It's her fault! Now I get to bug her more;) 


Q-Jenson-What do you think happened while you were stuck in the bathroom?

A-Jenson: Only God knows...I imagine the worst. 


Q-Barrett-Why did you sleep with Ashley when you liked Aria?

A-Barrett: As much as I don't want to admit it, being Ryder's sibling sort of has It's effect on you, being sort of a man whore is one of them...I don't regret it at all though:) 


Q-Jet-Why are you rude & cold hearted? Last time I checked you were one of Aria's friends & you were terrified of Radar! Is there something going on with you and Rumor?

A-Jet:Things change, people change. Oh boy, bringing up my childhood, huh? I was not terrifed of that Demon Dog! 

Chet: Could've fooled meee.... 

Jet:This is a A & B convo, so C your way out of it, Chet! And I have nothing against Aria, It's my brother Jenson who I'm pissed at. Rumor & I? Uh no....I find her attractive & someone to mess Ryder with, but that's all. 


Q-Chase-Did you go back to being the way you use to or is it an act? Do you still hate Aria?

A-Chase: I'm offended :O This is how I always am! No change whatsoever! Aria & I are on good terms, I guess, so I don't hate her but I'm not gonna kneel down in front of her and start drooling and obeying every command. 


Q-Kameryn-Do you think Aria & Jenson will end up together? Did you ever have a crush on her? Will you ever get a girlfriend or do you want to go solo so you're not like Jenson/Ryder/Aria?

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