Chapter Nineteen: You Won't Regret It

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After a couple more hits-Never knew Aria was this aggressive-we had calmed down a bit. Well calmed down enough for her to jump in the shower-I of course asked if I could join her now that we're married, that made me receive another blow from her abusive hand-and I was left in here to think about why the hell I wasn't thinking yesterday. Sounds fun right? Not quite. Sure, I found Aria attractive. Who wouldn't? It only made me want her more when Jenson was going after her. Now that we're married, you'd think I've won, wouldn't you? Again, not quite. She wants a divorce. Me? I don't want a divorce. It's something I don't believe in. Once you're married you should fight to be with that person, fight to make it work. Aria doesn't think so. She said and I quote "We'll never work, you fucking baboon." When did I turn into a baboon? I have no clue. Another problem I have with this whole marriage concept, is that everyone's going to kill me. Especially Jenson and Rumor. I never cheated, ever. I wasn't going to start now, but I basically cheated big time. Who dates one person then marries another? I'm such an idiot.

I got out of the bed and  began to put on my pants and t-shirt. I needed to get out of here. I should go get some more drinks. Are you stupid? That's what caused this problem! Oh great, I'm having an argument with myself once more. I really am going crazy. I had my hand on the door knob when the bathroom door opened and Aria walked out with a towel wrapped securely around her body.

"Where are you going, husband," she asked, cringing at the word 'husband'. I sighed. If I left it'd make me an even worse person. Which I am, but I'm trying to be better...

"I don't know," I replied honestly. I had no clue where I would go, or where I am going.

"What are we going to do?" she asked in a vulnerable tone. Crap, I think she's going to cry. I let go of the doorknob and walked toward her. She, of course, took a step back.

"Princess, I'm not going to hurt you. You're the one who hurts me-physically," I smirked at her. She rolled her watery eyes at me. I took her hand gently in mine and pulled her to me. I cupped her face between my hands and looked into her blue eyes that were staring back into my own. I let my forehead rest against hers and softly said, "We need to tell the others."

"Then you might as well dig your grave now," she retorted. I smirked, "As long as you're helping me do it, baby doll." Her eyes narrowed and she barked out, "I think you're capable of doing it yourself."

"It takes two to tango, princess," I chuckled as her eyes grew wide.

"Lets just give this a chance," I murmured after awhile.

"It won't-"

"We haven't tried it yet, so how do you expect it to work when you haven't tried," I asked her.

She stared down at her feet and seemed to be having a mental battle with herself over the thought. Then her eyes met mine once more and she said the one word that made a grin spread across my face, "Okay."

I let my lips press against her cheek and whispered, "You won't regret it, Aria."


Jenson's POV:

"Where are they?" Kameryn asked, yawning as he pulled on a shirt.

"I don't know," I grumbled, packing the rest of my stuff into the suitcase.

"How long have they been gone?" Kameryn asked. Oh Kameryn, you're not making this any better. I didn't spare him a glance as I said, "For like two days."

"Well that's great," Kameryn smirked. I threw a pair of his socks at his face. He chuckled and dodged them, missing the impact by a second.

"You lost your touch, Jens'," Kameryn's simple chuckle turned into a blown out laugh, which ended with him curled up in the ground. At least he's back to his old self. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him, "Uh huh, whatever Twinkle Toes." Kameryn sat up and glared at me, "What was that, dear brother of mine?"

"You heard me, Kammy," I cackled. His eyes narrowed and soon he had pinned me on the ground. When did he grow up and become a man? Okay, laugh at that. The thought of Kameryn as a man is hilarious. He's like a five year old stuck in a seventeen year old's body!

"Hey guys are you-Whoa now!" Tyler stopped when he saw us. Kameryn chuckled and let me go, "You're disgusting Tyl'."

"Girls seem to think otherwise," Tyler smirked.

"Not the ones I've seen," I chuckled.

Tyler dismissed my comment with a wave of his hand and Kameryn laughed once more. "You guys ready to go?"

"Yup," Kameryn and I said, popping the 'p'.

"Alright lets hit the road." Tyler left and I grabbed my suitcase. Kameryn did the same and soon we abandoned our hotel room to go to the lobby where the others were. We got into the elevator and waited until it open. When it did, I stopped in my tracks. There was Aria and Ryder....laughing and both wore a ring on their finger.


Author's Note: Uh oh! What's going to happen? Sorry it's been so long! I've been busy and sick ): but hey, I'm better now and I'm trying to update more often! Bare with me please(: Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I tried to make it a bit longer. Comment/Vote/Share! Love ya guys,


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