Chapter Thirty-Eight: I'm Not Going Anywhere

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Jenson's POV:

We all headed toward Kameryn's room--of course, I'm in front of everyone. Mostly because of the way I left things with Kameryn. I was about to go on the plane back to England, but I couldn't go through with it. Not because of Aria, because of Kameryn. He needed me and I had let him down. Again. I came back to the house to find it empty, and the home phone blinking. That's how I found the message. That's how I found out that my little brother who counts on me for everything and looked up to me was in the damn hospital. 

The truth thing with Aria--that was just because I wanted her to know everything. Not because I wanted to sway her decision to be with Ryder. I've learned better than that. I knew Ryder didn't even know the letter was in the jewelry box, so when I heard her in the hallway saying he promised her forever, I had to step in and correct things.

I never thought that I'd find out that she didn't actually make a decision. And, like always, Tyler interrupts. But I was okay with that, because I needed to see my brother. He's more important to me than anyone. 

I threw open his door and barged in to see him playing Slenderman on his phone. Yes, ladies and gentleman, this buttmunch is playing Slenderman. This freaking buttmunch is freaking playing freaking Slenderman while his freaking family is freaking wondering what the freak is happening. Man, I need to tone it down with all those freaks...

"Jenson," Kameryn looked up shocked. I looked behind me to see Tyler shutting the door, giving us some privacy. Who would've thought Tyler would do something nice?

"I-I thought you left," Kameryn stammered.

"You know that I couldn't do that to you, Kam. You're my brother, and I'm not about to let you down again," I told him, pulling up a chair beside his hospital bed.

"Thank you," Kameryn smiled. At that moment, the door busted open with Tyler yelling, "I gave you guys three minutes, you can thank me later."

Grasshopper jumped onto the hospital bed and hugged Kameryn, causing him to drop his phone.

"Hey, Grassy," Kameryn chuckled. The rest of the family came in, angering the nurses who repeatedly told us only three in a room. Ryder scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and that's when I noticed the bruise on the side of his face. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Sorry about that, Ryder, but I believe you sort of deserved it," Kameryn chuckled. I laughed with him and shook my head. Ryder smiled and shrugged, "Don't worry about it, kid."

"Glad to see you're okay," Jayden commented, giving Kameryn a small smile, "I don't think we could handle anyone dying after what happened to our parents."

"I'm not going anywhere," Kameryn grinned, casting a look in my direction, "Everything's fine now. You can't get rid of me that easily."

His cancer was gone. Kameryn was staying, and I'd be able to see him do all the things kids got to do. A full blown smile made it's way upon my face and we all crushed Kameryn into a bear hug.

"Alright, alright. I know I said everything's fine now, but I'm still bruised and hurting bitches," Kameryn breathed.


"I'm not pregnant," Aria stated.

After reuniting with Kameryn, and the family finally getting along, Aria and dragged Ryder and I away from the group and told us this.

"What do you mean you're not pregnant?" Ryder asked.

"Yeah, I saw the test in your trash can," I said, confused.

Aria shook her head, "It was wrong. I had went to the doctors and had samples done a while after to just make sure. It came out negative. I'm not pregnant, and honestly I was glad. I was glad because I couldn't be pregnant with a baby who'd be counting on me, when I haven't even figured out what to do with my life. Or who to spend my life with for that matter." 

Ryder smiled in understanding while I nodded my head. Everything she said did make sense. 

"But I do now," she continued, "I want to spend my life with...."


Author's Note: Here what you guys have been waiting for!! Are you guys still routing for Aria/Ryder or Aria/Jenson? I ask, because maybe everything's that been happening lately has changed your mind on who you want her to end up with. Next chapter reveals who exactly that is!

The next chapter is also the LAST chapter of WIWTHI.

But do not worry, because there will be a spin off story. Tell me who's life you would like to see in that

Tyler & Kameryn?

Kameryn & Grasshopper?

Tyler, Kameryn, & Grasshopper?

Or someone completely different? Comment below your answers and also who you want Aria to pick--she's got a hard decision to make that's for sure.


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