Chapter Fifteen: How Dare You Accuse Us Of Such Nonsense?

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"Aw, come on Chucky, don't chicken out already!" I chuckled. The guys in front of me gave me a dirty look as they looked through their cards. This only made me laugh more, those morons. I looked to my side to see Callis doing the same as me. We were going to pummel these guys. That's a fact, a promise.

"My name is not Chucky," the brown haired douche bag growled.

"Could've fooled me," I cackled. That made the man throw his cards on the table and stand up.

"Listen kid, you think you can just waltz your fancy ass in here and start shit!"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do," I smirked and leaned forward, resting my head in my hands as I gave the guy my signature look. Nobody can scare me, that's just bullshit.

"Now pay up, you clearly lost," Callis crossed his arms across his chest and stood up.

"You cheated-"

"Aw...Cheated? How dare you accuse us of such nonsense?" I objected, standing up and stuffing my hands in my pockets. "You're just trying to cover up the fact that you guys do not belong in this sort of place, and that you need to practice more, because you just got beat by a couple of teens."

"That's it!" the other man yelled lunging forward at me. I jumped back and brought my fist back before implanting it into the guys' face. I saw Callis attack the other one. Yes, 'bout time I get a rush from being in here. Fighting always was my release of stress. He tackled me to the ground and we started to wrestle around on the carpet.

Then the man was being pulled off of me and tossed onto the poker table by Tyson. "I'm the only one who gets to beat him up," my twin yelled at Chucky. I chuckled, nice going Tys'.

Then Tyson turned around and punched me in the shoulder. My hand instantly went to where he had hit me and I let out a "Ow! What was that for?!"

"That's for starting unnecessary fights!" he barked, punching my arm again.

"Ow! Will you stop that?!" I shouted, rubbing my poor beaten arm.

"Come on!" Tyson ordered, walking off.

"Oh you're not getting off that easy!" Chucky sat up and literally jumped on top of me, knocking me onto the ground.

"What the fuck Godzilla?! Get your fat ass off of me! Imma start calling you Chunky!" that earned a punch in the face. Well...that'll leave a mark in the morning.

"Hey Froyo! Say ello to mah little fwend!" Jayden smirked, before breaking a beer bottle over Chunky's head. The guys' head rolled back and he fell to the side off of me.

"Oh thank God, he's off of me! I do not roll that way," I groaned, getting up and wiping the blood off of my lip where he hit me. I looked up at the sound of Jayden's laugh and said, "Thanks dude."

"Eh, I've always wanted to do that," he smirked, glancing around the casino. I did the same and saw that the rest were in fights also, this place was hectic. Callis and that other dude with the lumberjack beard were still at each other. Tyson and Dylan were being confronted by some other lanky guys. Chase, Johnny, and Blake were throwing shots at three other guys who were trying to get up in their faces. Dylan, Cable, and Chet were throwing punches and kicks at four large fellows who were talking smack. Trevor and Tristan were trying to take on three much younger guys. Kameryn and Trey were trying to stop the fights. Well mostly Kameryn...Then I saw three very big men make their way toward Jayden and I. Oh shit, things are about to get real.


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