Chapter Seven: Who ya calling an amateur?

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“What I don’t understand is why Kanye would fucking name his kid North? North West, that poor child!” Kip blabbered.

“North West, that’s fucking tight,” Tyler countered. Kip glared at his older brother, “You know it’s a girl right?”

“Mhm, love those females,” Tyler smirked. I rolled my eyes at the two. Usually it’d be Callis and Tyler arguing at this time, but they’ve grown apart I guess. Now it was always Tyler and Kip. I was sitting at a diner with the two and I was about to dump my beer all over them. But then I’d be wasting my precious drink that was helping calm me down. So no, I won’t do that.

“It’s a fucking baby,” Kip gasped. Tyler chuckled loudly causing a few girls to look over at him. He winked at them and they turned around giggling. I put my head on my hand and rolled my eyes once more before taking a swig of my beer, “amateurs.”

“Who ya calling an amateur?” Tyler asked, snapping his sea green eyes over toward me.

“You, obviously,” I stated, raising my eyebrow and meeting his gaze.

“You’re one to talk,” Kip butted in, “You can’t even get Aria to crawl back into your arms.”

“The kid’s right, dear brother o’ mine, when two people are alone in one house they tend to get carried away,” Tyler smirked at me, his eyes glinting mischievously. I ignored him and took another swig.

“Yeah, they get really close and just lose control,” Kip continued.

“Maybe the reason they came back was because she was preggers,” Tyler guessed. I coughed, along with Kip. I closed my eyes as the beer went down my throat, stinging it during the process. I opened my eyes once more to give Tyler an icy glare, “No way.”

Tyler smirked at me and stole my beer, taking a sip, “Why else would they be here? Aria’s having some type of mood swings, hmm I wonder why?”

I grasped the bottle and yanked it back, my blood running cold throughout my body. Aria pregnant? Impossible…But it does make sense…No. I took another drink and said, “We can’t make assumptions…”

“You’ve always made assumptions,” Kip rolled his eyes at me.

“That was back then…We need to find out for sure, but how?”

“Did she look fat?” Kip asked. The waiter came by and gave Tyler his nachos. Tyler picked up the cheesy chip and put it into his mouth before saying, “Nope,” and popping the ‘p’.

“If she stays a couple of months, then maybe we’d see the bump,” Kip thought rubbing his non existent beard.

“If she is pregnant, then that’s the easiest way that Jenson could’ve trapped her into a marriage,” Tyler stated. I let out a deep breath and silently screamed, ‘FUCK’.

“I’m doomed,” I groaned, banging my head on the table. Tyler patted my back, “Not exactly, Mister Devil Child. Use Rumor as a weapon…”

“How the fuck do I do that? One: She’s mad at me, and Two: What the fuck are you planning?”

“Listen closely, she’s the best kind of weapon out there-”

“Uh, nuh uh, there’s a rocket launcher, a-”

“Shut up, Kip,” Tyler barked and Kip pretended to zip his lips up, “Like I was saying, I have a plan. You have Rumor, Aria’s back. You want Aria, not Rumor. So use Rumor as a weapon to make Aria jealous.”

“But if Aria’s pregnant that’s useless,” Kip argued.

“Not exactly,” Tyler smirked, once again having that mischievous look on his face. 

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