Chapter Seventeen: Family Cares, Right?

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Jenson POV:

Ryder and Aria? Disappeared? Fuck, I shouldn't have taken those drinks! I shouldn't have gone to the bathroom! I shouldn't have got mad and left her side! Ever since we came here, I changed into another person. I'm not the funny one anymore. I'm not the nice one anymore. I'm not the person everyone adores anymore. What happened to me? Whatever happened to me made Aria change her mind. Well I think It's about time I change it back, but to do so, I must get my old self back. This new person I am, I hate 'em! I like being the care-free funny person! Is it because I haven't sang in awhile? Singing was always a way to calm me, and bring me back to the past. Bring me back to all the memories. All this girl drama and trying to keep Ryder at a distance is cutting into it all.

"Jenson?" Kameryn called. Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked up at my brother. His mouth was bleeding where he was hit by some dude that he was helping Jayden fight. Seems like they're on goods terms now. Kameryn was right, everyone was bonding out here, in a weird freaky way. The fighting had ended when the security guards showed up, but we booted out of there fast enough that they didn't see us. Now we were in our hotel room with the others.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You okay?" Cable asked, tilting his head. I sighed and looked at him. Do I lie? It's not like they really care...But they do, they're my family. Family cares, right?

"Not really," I answered truthfully. Hey, honesty is the best policy. Insert that winky face.

"What's wrong?" Grasshopper asked, turning off Spongebob and looking at me. I stared at him then, noticing a faint scar above his eyebrow. What happened?

"Can I ask a question and actually get an answer?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Depends," Chase smirked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled slightly.

"There's that laugh we have not heard in years!" Callis cheered.

"I'll tell you," Tyler spoke up, meeting my gaze. The boys let out a faint gasp signalling this had to be something big.


"Not here...On the balcony"

"Seems like everything bad happens on a balcony," I remarked, thinking of how I told Aria about my family that day. How things changed from then...

"No kidding," Kameryn laughed. I followed Tyler out onto the balcony and he shut the door. He leaned against the railing and looked out at the city below. It was lit up by lights everywhere, casino's on every corner. Pretty amazing view, in my oppinion. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, in this case you could here Tyler sigh.

"I didn't mean for it to happen. I was showing off to my friends..."


Author's Note: The truth is about to come out! Jenson is planning on finding his old self! Things are happening, yay. What do you think Jenson's reaction(along with the other boys) when he finds out about them getting married?! Sorry this is short, I don't really have time right now but I thought I'd write something and leave a cliffhanger. Haha! Don't worry the next chapter will come soon! Hope you liked this chapter!! Vote/Comment/Share!


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