Chapter Thirteen: Want A Drink?

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Jenson’s POV:

I banged on the door and yelled, “HELP!” I’ve been doing this for the past hour and nobody’s fucking come and opened the door. I sighed and slid down the wall until I was seated on the tiled floor of the bathroom. I blame Tyler, none of this wouldn’t happened if Tyler hadn’t suggested this. I wouldn’t be in Vegas, I wouldn’t be in this hotel, I wouldn’t fucking be locked in a bathroom with a doorknob that has fallen off. I would’ve known where Aria was, I would’ve been home, I would’ve been at least a tiny bit happy, but no I am fucking pissed. Stupid Tyler…He is so going to pay!


“Lets go down to the Casino!” Tyler suggested, pumping his fist in the air. We were currently at a fancy five-star hotel. I had to room with Kameryn, which was good if Aria wasn’t rooming with Ryder…Then there is:









I don’t exactly know who wrote down the people who were gonna be rooming together, but this was stupid! I mean Callis and Tyler? They are pissed at each other! Chase and Dylan? Complete opposites. Rumor and Jet? Rumor should fucking be with Ryder! Like…the hell? Cable and Jayden? It’s like a volcano and an igloo. Igloo being Cable. Understand? My brother Jayden isn’t the sweetest person in the world. He’s a sneaky and devious little punk. I swear Ryder and Tyler have deluded his brain. He’s the only one besides Tyler that loves pranks also. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind rooming with Kameryn, he’s my best bud/brother. It’s just I don’t like the idea that I didn’t get paired up with Aria, but Ryder did. He has a girlfriend! That’s who he should be with, not Aria. Like, what the actual fuck.

“Jenson!” Chase snapped, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see everyone’s eyes on me.

“What?” I asked, confused.

Chase rolled his eyes and Jayden huffed, “Haven’t you been listening to Tyle’?”

“Not really,” I smirked. Tyler talks too much, I’m used to tuning him out.

Jayden sighed and Tyler scoffed, “Well thanks pal, love ya too.”

I chuckled. “He asked if we were in to going to the casino,” Cable filled me in.

“You guys are under age,” I reminded, glancing at them. Jayden laughed his devious little laugh, “Brother…Dear, dear brother.” He patted my head like I was five and said, “I have my ways.”

I rolled my eyes and glanced at him, “You’re only 11.”

“Like I give a fuck.”

I let out a exasperated sigh, “Whatever.”

“Alright, leggo!” Tyler cheered, running out of the room. The others hopped up and rushed out also. Kameryn and I walked after them at a much slower pace.


I don’t know how, but the little kids had gotten into the casino without anyone noticing. They were even playing the slot machines and poker. Like the hell? Don’t people see they’re young…Well…We are the Woods boys. That’s when I saw Chase, Johnny, and Jayden about to take shots at the bar. I hastily made my way over there to stop them.

“What the hell are you doing?” I scolded, taking Jayden’s shot. He glared at me and yelled, “YOLO,” before taking the shot back and downing it in one breath. The others followed suit. I scowled at Chase, who in return gave me an amused look.

“You’re such a good role model,” I growled, before turning and stalking off. I saw Tyler and Callis playing poker with a bunch of rough looking guys. Oh Jesus Christ…Please don’t let them start some fight…They tend to get out of hand. When did those two make up anyway? Together they’re like a bomb waiting to explode at any second. The next people I saw were Trevor, Tristan, Blake, and Tyson on the slot machines. Tyson? I thought he was the good twin! I groaned in frustration and then noticed the next family members. Trey and Kameryn were by the bar, Trey had a glass of water while Kameryn was eating nachos. Thank God, they’re behaving themselves. Chet, Cable, and Dylan were playing BlackJack. Jet and Rumor were also seated at the bar and it looked like Jet was trying to get the girl drunk. I rolled my eyes, what a moron. Grasshopper was back in the hotel watching Spongebob. The only people missing are Ryder and Aria. Where the hell are they? As I searched the entire casino for them, I was suddenly pushed back by a long legged brunette. She smiled at me and her green eyes drifted over to the bar, “Want a drink? You look a bit stressed.”  I could use a drink…I nodded not thinking twice and followed the woman to the bar. She ordered me a vodka shot and I thought, ‘What the hell’, tipped the glass back and downed it. Then they just kept coming and coming. Who knew a drink would turn into a million...


Somewhere around all that drinking I had gotten up and stumbled around looking for a bathroom. When I found it, I pushed the door open and shut it. I looked in the mirror to see my blue eyes were a bit fuzzy looking. They took on a darker shade than normal. My vision was a bit blurry. My buttoned up black shirt was unbuttoned to where you could see the blue undershirt. I set the beer down on the counter and turned on the faucet. I splashed some water on my face and got a paper towel. Once I wiped the water off I threw it in the trash and picked up my beer. I headed toward the door and turned the knob, only for it to come off in my hand. The fuck…I banged on the door and started to yell for help.

*End Of Flashback*

I started to get drowsy and I don’t know how or when, but I fell asleep hoping that Ryder didn’t do anything stupid. Same with the rest of the boys.


Author's Note: Uh oh...What do you think is going to happen? Comment/Vote/Share (: Enjoy


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