Chapter Eight: You Scared My Fiance Away!

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“Jenson, go help Kameryn with the groceries,” one of our maid Teresa told me. Uh sure why not? Got nothing else to do. I got up from the couch and crossed the living room toward the garage door. I saw the brunette unpacking a brown bag, and setting items onto our polished counter. I pushed open the doors and descended the small steps into the large room. Kameryn had a bag of potatoes in his hand as he shut the back door. He looked up and finally took note of my presence.

“There’s some soda in the back seat,” he told me.

“Couldn’t she have gotten this for herself? She is the maid…”

“Are you sure you and Ryder didn’t swap personalities,” I heard Kameryn chuckle from behind me. I pulled open the car door and immediately saw the box of sodas.

“Oh please,” I smirked, picking the box up and stepping back. I kicked the door close with my foot and together, Kameryn and I made our way back into the mansion. We set the groceries onto the counter next to the others and sat down on a stool. Teresa turned around and gave Kameryn a sandwich. The girl was about sixteen years old and I think she had a crush on my brother…weird.

“Thanks, Ter’,” Kameryn smirked at me before taking a bite of the sandwich.

I gaped at him before looking at the young female in front of me, “Why does he get a sandwich? I never got one, and I was sixteen.” I took one of the sodas out of the box and began to take a drink.

Teresa blushed and scurried away, Kameryn glared at me and said around a mouthful of food, “You scared my fiancé away!”

I did a spit take and heard Kameryn’s chuckle ring across the room, “L to the M to the F to the A and O.”

I smacked him upside the head and let out a, “Ow.”

“Dickhead,” I growled, “I thought you were serious.”

“When am I ever serious?” he smirked at me once more, finishing his sandwich and wiping his hands on his khaki jeans. He leaned back on the stool and gave me another glance, “You okay?”

“Where’s Aunt Clarity and Uncle Tuck?” I asked, playing with the tab on my soda can.

“Um, they left about a couple months ago on a business trip,” Kameryn answered. I narrowed my eyes. Business trip?

“But their business trips usually don’t last that long,” I noted.

“They’ve had some sort of competition…”

“What about Grasshopper? Why does he think Aria’s a maid?” I continued my questions, trying to get to the bottom of what I have missed these past few years. I saw Kameryn’s body freeze before he replaced it with his usual smile and replied, “He was little during that time, he’s bound to not remember.”

“He remembered me though,” I raised my eyebrow. Why are you lying, Kam? You never lie to me…

“I’m not him, Jens’,” Kameryn sighed, picking his plate up and going toward the dishwasher.

“I know something happened, Kam, just tell me. You used to tell me everything,” I pressed. After putting the plate in the dishwasher, Kameryn suddenly slammed the thing shut and spun around, “That was before you left for so God damn long! Things change in this house every 24 hours! So a lot is going to change in four fucking years.”

“You’re acting like it’s my fault!” I glared at him, standing up. He returned the stare and gritted his teeth, “Maybe none of it would’ve happened if you stayed. You were my closest relative in this house. No one else. Then you just leave, taking my other closest friend with you! Don’t you get it, no one likes me here. They think I get all of the attention when honestly I don’t. Callis thinks I stole his brother away from him when Tyler came to me after the incident with Gras-” Kameryn stopped talking all of a sudden, as he noticed something behind me. Or should I say someone. I turned to see Tyler, Callis, Jet, Rumor, and Barrett staring at us. All of their faces held different expressions. Tyler: Betrayal, Jet: Hatred, Callis: Uncertainty, Rumor: Confused. Barrett was looking at the ground intensely. 

“Tyler, are we going to the ice rink?” Grasshopper asked innocently walking up to the boy.

“Um…Yeah, Grassy, come on,” Tyler’s face lit up and he smiled easily at the kid, taking his small hand into his big one. They walked away from the room, Jet stormed off knocking his shoulder against Callis’s causing my cousin’s balance to falter.

“Barrett, Ash wants you,” Johnny called from the stairwell. Barrett climbed the stairs and went after his brother. Kameryn sighed from behind me and I heard his footsteps fade away. Callis wrung his hands together before mumbling something about, “family” and walking in the opposite direction. If only they hadn’t come in…I would’ve found out everything. I just have to get Kameryn alone…or better yet Tyler.

“Rumor, babe, you’re here. Great,” I heard the devil child call. I inwardly rolled my eyes as he neared his clueless girlfriend. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Aria start to come toward us.

“Baby, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that earlier, I’ll pay more attention, alright?” Ryder told Rumor, sweetly, cupping her cheek in his hand. I raised my eyebrow at the scene and looked around. Kip was leaning against a wall, smirking at the two lovebirds. Aria and I shifted uncomfortably.

“It’s okay, Ryder,” the girl smiled and hugged him giving him a peck on the lips. He hugged her back but instead of giving a small peck back he deepened the kiss. I groaned and cleared my throat, causing the two to pull back. Ryder smirked at me and introduced, “Jenson I don’t believe you met my girlfriend, Rumor.”

Rumor held her hand out to me and I took it, “Nice to meet you,” she smiled once more. Damn, she smiles a lot… “OMG, you’re THE Jenson…I’ve seen you on the news and I love you’re music!”

“You too and thanks,” I nodded, pulling my hand back. 

“And that’s Aria,” Ryder pointed at the blonde near me, rolling his eyes at his girlfriend’s reaction.

“Oh, nice to meet you also. I’ve seen you on TV singing and talking with Jenson also. Are you guys together?” 

“Um-” I began only to be cut off by Aria.

“Yes,” she replied, putting her arm through mine. I saw something pass through Ryder’s eyes but it was gone as soon as it came. I hadn’t noticed that most of the guys had made their way in here until they shouted, “WHAT?!” In my head I also joined them, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?


Author's Note: Well here's the next chapter. I'm taking a break for the day, it's already 10:17 pm so I'm done writing for the night. Hope you enjoy this chap! Comment and Vote if you please (: Goodnight everybody!

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