Chapter Two: Stupid Genes...

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One month later....

I walked down the hall looking for a particular room number. Just a couple seconds ago I had entered the most expensive college for actors and singers. Yes, I had flown all the way to England because I have a scholarship just like someone else. I took off my sunglasses and glanced around for the room. I noticed a group of girls pointing and giggling at me, hearing them say, "It's Jenson Woods."

I smirked and made my way past them humming, "Good day ladies."

They practically passed out, no joke there. I was mentally laughing, who knew I had this effect on British girls. When I finally saw the room number, I had taken a deep breath and moved toward it. I raised my hand and tapped on it.

"Coming," I heard the angelic voice say. Don't back out...Don't back out...I kept chanting in my head. The door started to open and soon a familiar blonde stood in front of me. Her crystal blue eyes shocked and looked like they would pop out any moment. To save that from happening, I extended my arms and greeted, "Surprise! I go here too."

Aria shrieked and leaped at me, engulfing me in a hug. I laughed and hugged her back. God, I missed her. That month had nearly killed me, not knowing what had happened between her and Ryder. Whether or not they were together. I'm still confused but maybe now I can get some answers. I pulled back and she asked, "Where...How? What..." she stammered before settling on, "Where's your dorm?"

"It would be right here but we aren't staying in a dorm," I informed her.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"I have a house near here," I explained.

"A house or a mansion?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. I chuckled and brought my hand to my face as if I was stroking my non-existing beard. She laughed and I smirked, "Whatever you call it. I call it a house."

"Well your house has a different meaning than mine."

I shrugged, "That's 'cause we're from two different worlds, New Jersey."

She rolled her eyes, "So I need to pack once more?"

I looked inside her room and held in a laughed, "You haven't even unpacked, Aria." She looked inside the dorm and sighed dramatically, "Whatever."

"Don't turn into one of those girls," I warned and we laughed. God, I missed these days. Look at me sound like a girl...This must stop. Immediately. She grabbed her bags and shut the door.

"Okay so, I need to hand in my key, I guess," she told me as we made our way down the hall. I saw her roll her eyes at the previous girls who had been drooling over me. I held in a laugh and gently took her hand in mine. Instantly, the girls glared at her and Aria laughed. After we dropped off the key we went to the limo that was parked outside of the school. We climbed in and she caught me up on what had happened so far and I told her how the guys were doing back home.


Four Years Later...

I heard the door open and footsteps echoing through the hall. "Why don't I smell food?" Aria asked, stepping into the living room where I was laying on the couch, flipping through channels.

"Obviously not in your hands since you're questioning me," I muttered, not sparing her a glance. I swear, is she on her period or something? She's been a fucking bitch all this week.

"You were supposed to make food, asshole," she shouted. I dropped the remote and got up, "Oh really? How was I suppose to know when you never told me?"

"I figured you were smart enough!"

"Figured, ha, there's your problem," I chuckled humorlessly. I rolled my eyes and pushed past her.

"Going to make food?" she asked, following me. I rolled my eyes once more and smirked. "You want food, eh?"

"I thought I made that clear!" I walked into the kitchen and got some bread. I looked at her to see she had her hand on her hip and glaring at me. I did have to give it to her, she looked hot, but not hot enough for her to push me around all week. I smirked and dropped the bread into the toaster and pushed it down.

"In a couple of seconds, you will have some food. Happy?"

"Listen, smart ass-"

"I thought I wasn't smart since I didn't know you wanted food?" I asked, pretending to be dumbfounded. I knew I was making the situation worse but she was driving me crazy.

"That's it," she growled, before stomping away and grabbing her jacket off the coat hanger, "I am going to the nearest hotel and am staying there. Maybe during that time you'll realize how much of an ass you're being."

"Yeah, go, and when you come back, I expect an apology after you realize how much of a bitch you're being," I retorted. I heard her huff and then a door slam shut following that. I sighed and sat down on the counter. I should've made her food, I know that. But this is when I act like Ryder. I hate this part of me, really. Stupid genes...

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