Chapter Twelve: Like What You See?

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“Land!” Grasshopper cheered, falling to the floor at the airport. I exchanged a glance with Tristan. Oh God…

“RYDER!” I heard someone call from behind me. I turned and saw Rumor running to me.

“Why’s she here?” Cable asked.

“I invited her,” Jet smirked at me. I gave him a suspicious look just as Rumor jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around me. I heard someone scoff and then Aria say, “Jenson, Kameryn, come on.” I saw her grab the boys’ hands and lead them off towards the bag carousel. I rolled my eyes as Rumor let me go. I saw her spare a glance at Jet, who was still smirking at me. The little asshole is going to get it…

“Alright, lets go!” Tyler ordered, walking after Jenson, Kameryn, and Aria. When did he become in charge? 

“That kid needs a reality check,” Trey grumbled, walking after Tyler. I chuckled and went with him, the others followed. I grabbed my bag from the conveyor belt, I saw Jenson’s but didn’t bother to pick it up. He could get it himself. I lugged the bag over my shoulder and searched for the others. My blue gaze going over every detail of the giant airport. I then noticed that Aria was alone sitting in one of the chairs that were tucked underneath a circular table. I made my way over to her and sat down. She didn’t even spare me a glance while she quickly typed on her mobile. I poked her and she said something incoherent.

“What?” I asked.

“What do you want?” she asked, rudely if I may add. I rolled my eyes, “Fine, I guess you don’t want Starbucks.” Her eyes seemed to light up at that and I smirked at her. She narrowed her blue eyes at me and I rested my elbow on the table, placing my head in my hand.

“I would like some Starbucks,” she nodded, giving me a once over. I smirked, “Like what you see?” All I had on was a dark gray V-Neck, and loose fitted dark jeans along with a pair of black and white converses.

“You wish,” she replied, going back to her Iphone.

“What’s the magic word,” I cooed. Her blue eyes flitted up to my own and her eyebrows knitted together with confusion, “Huh?”

“You want me to get Starbucks…What’s the magic word?”

“Um…Please get me some Starbucks?” she asked.

“I was actually expecting ‘Ryder you are the hottest most sexiest, athletic person in the whole world…’ but that works too. You rarely ever say please, where’s the video camera when you need one,” I got up before she could make a snotty comeback and got in line at the Starbucks. I didn’t need to ask her what she wanted because I already knew. 

“One Caramel Frappachino, and one Vanilla Latte,” I told the girl behind the counter. She smiled at me and said in what seemed to be a flirtatious voice, “Be right with you sir.” Oh wow…I rolled my eyes. There’ll be a lot more of these girls here, that’s for sure. I mean…It’s Vegas…Of course this place will be littered with women who are out for men, sex, love, blah blah blah. She handed me the drinks and typed on the register. “Total is $4.50.”

I handed her a five dollar bill and grabbed the drinks. I carried them back over the counter and handed the Vanilla Latte to Aria.

“Thanks,” she smiled at me before taking a drink.

“No problem,” I shrugged, sitting back down beside her and taking a drink of mine. The past few minutes resulted in nothing but silence as we waited for the others. Sometimes I wish I had the ability to read people’s minds. I’d give a million dollars to see what’s going on in that little head of hers…

“What?” I finally asked as I noticed her staring at me with a thoughtful expression. She jumped at the sound of my voice and I chuckled softly, “Scare ya?”

“Shut up,” she blushed. I pushed back her hair and tucked it behind her ear, “You were staring at me so intensely I thought my head my blow up from the heat.”

That only made her blush harder, “Hopefully it does,” her voice came out as a whisper. She bit her lip and then opened her mouth as if she was going to say something else when Jenson and the others came into view. She snapped her mouth shut and hopped up from her chair, running toward the others. I sighed…Thanks Jenson…Thank you so damn much. I glared at him and slowly got up, he caught my stare and rolled his eyes. You won’t have those eyes for much longer, dear cousin of mine. It’s time to let my bad side out…The only way for me to step up and get what’s truly mine. It’ll be harder now that Rumor’s tagging along and I’ll have to get Jenson away, but I can do it. I mean I am Ryder after all. I always get what I want and I don’t let anybody get in my way. Not even my…girlfriend…and cousin.


Author's Note: Here's Chapter Twelve, things are about to happen in the next few chapters. Everything's gonna get out of hand. But hey, when does it not with these guys? Lol, I also found a picture that i thought would be perfect for Ryder when he's getting out of the chair! Check it out on the side. Anyway, Vote/Comment/Share(: ^Unedited^


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