Chapter Thirty-Four: My Princess

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Ryder's POV:

I slipped on my shirt and hurried down the stairs, her obnoxious voice calling me back. I only came here for one reason--to get over my anger about the stupid fight I had with Aria. I didn't expect to regret my decision. I thrust open the front door and ran out to my car.

She's got me wrapped around her little finger.

Sliding into my Bugatti, I sighed and rested my head against the steering wheel.

I'm whipped.

Shaking my head, I stuck my keys into the ignition and turned on the car. It purred to life, and I backed up out of Perry's drive way and drove off.


I chugged my second beer as I continued to stare out at the ocean. What the hell am I suppose to do now? She made it clear she hates me. The last thing I've ever wanted to hear from her. My princess...

"Finally," I heard someone mutter behind me, footsteps quickly following.

I turned my head around so fast that I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, as Jenson stood in front of me with his hands deep in his jean pockets.

"I came to congratulate you, only to see you waltz into Perry Harris's house. One fight is all it takes, huh?" He shook his head and looked out at the ocean.

"I already feel like shit," I said, honestly.

I guess he wasn't expecting that, because he whipped his head in my direction. His blue eyes widened in surprise.

"You actually love her," he whispered, realization dawning on him.

"I guess so...Wait, why were you going to congratulate me?" I asked, raising a brow at him.

"You won," he spoke after awhile, "You have her, and she's pregnant."

"Pregnant?" I asked, "What'd you do?"

"Me?" he chuckled bitterly, "I didn't touch her, Ryder."

"Then that means..." my eyes widened this time with realization.

"You've got yourself a little family," Jenson finished, a small smile lit up his face.

"You're not...mad?" I questioned, completely confused by his reactions.

"I just want her to be happy," he answered, walking off.

Oh God...

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