Chapter Five: Didn't Expect To See You Here

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The next morning, I woke up and quickly hopped into the shower. Once I was done, I put on a pair of jeans and blue T-Shirt before leaving my room and going toward the elevator.

“Didn’t expect to see you here,” a voice called that made me stop in my tracks. I turned only to come face to face with my cousin. His black hair was shorter now, he had grown a couple of more inches. I internally sighed before stuffing my hands in my pocket, “I could say the same to you, Ryder.” He smirked at me before spinning on his heel and strutting off. Damn it…


“JENSON!” I saw the other two twins storming toward me, after they dropped their bags on the ground.

“Jay, Ray, what’s up guys?” I asked, after giving them a high-five.

“School,” Jay groaned.

“You’re only 10 now, during that time, school is awesome,” I chuckled, turning around. They followed me and Ray snapped, “Nuh uh, all you did was sing!”

“We actually have to work,” Jay added, crossing his arms.

“So did I,” I smirked, turning to face them, “I earned everything I got.”

Jay and Ray exchanged glances before shrugging and walking off. I heard Ray mutter, “Whatever..” I raised an eyebrow at them before seeing Tyler walk in with Justin and Dylan.

“Jenson, hey,” Justin greeted, smiling.

“Bout time you came back,” Dylan smirked. What happened to the shy boy?..

“Aw, he was too busy getting cozy with mah girl,” Tyler chuckled.

“Your girl?”

“Never going to happen, Tyler,” Justin laughed, slapping the back of Tyler’s head.

“Ow,” he yelped.

“Speaking of girl…where is Aria?” I asked.

“With Ryder,” Tyler gave me a sly grin. I glared at him and started to panic.

“Dawg, just playing, she’s with Kameryn. I don’t know where Ryder is,” Tyler reassured. I smacked him upside the head and asked, “Where?”

“Ow,” Tyler yelped once more, glaring at me also.

“Game room,” Dylan supplied.

“Thanks Dyl,” I said before walking off in the direction of the game room. I stopped when I saw Ryder with some girl. I rolled my eyes, and finally got to the door, pushing it open. Kameryn and Aria were playing Dance 2 on the Wii.

I felt something push my leg and looked down to see Fox peering inside. I smiled at the kid. He had his mother’s platinum blonde hair, but it was shaggy looking, like his father’s. He had Barrett’s bright green eyes also, with little freckles scattered around his nose.

“FOX!” I heard Grasshopper yell before seeing him. He immediately saw Fox and raced toward us. I quickly picked up Fox and moved him out of the way as Grasshopper came in.

“LEMME AT HIM!” Grasshopper yelled, hopping up on his tip toes to steal the kid. I put a hand on his face to keep him back and shook my head, “I don’t think so, lil’ squirt.”

Grasshopper screeched, making Kameryn and Aria look over at the little boy. Kameryn took Fox and stepped back away from the crying kid. I squatted down so I was level with Grasshopper.

“You alright, bud?” I asked.

“H-He’s fine,” Tyler stuttered, scooping him up and quickly evacuating the room. I looked after him confused, when did he get here? I turned my gaze over to Kameryn who was just staring at Fox with a weird expression.

“I want cookies,” Fox giggled, clapping his hands. Kameryn gave the boy a side smile and chuckled, “Who doesn’t want cookies.” They left with Aria following and all I realized that something happened while I was gone. That’s why everyone’s been acting different, but the question is…What happened?

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