Chapter Ten: You Can Leave Without Really Being Gone

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I put my plate into the dishwasher after I was finished with my dinner. I glanced over at the clock to see it was 11:00pm. After I had stormed out earlier, I had left for hours then finally came back when I was sure everyone was asleep. I sighed and sat down on the counter. Why did Aria say I was her boyfriend in the first place? Oh yeah, to make Ryder jealous…But she didn’t have to fucking say I ‘did the dirty with her’. Like what the actual fuck. I heard something crash outside and hopped off the counter and to the screen door. I looked outside and saw Kameryn kicking things and vigorously drinking beer. I sighed once more and slid open the door. I made my way to him and he glanced up at me before turning his gaze to the pond.

“You know, you shouldn’t really be drinking beer after you had those strokes-”

“I don’t really give a shit,” Kameryn muttered darkly, “It’s not like I’ll be here for much longer.” I stopped at that and looked at him closely, “What do you mean?”

He shook his head and mumbled, “Nothing,” before taking a sip of his beer, more calmly this time. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bottle before throwing it into the pond.

“Oh wow, nice going, you just littered on our own damn property!” he shouted. Is he drunk or something? Or just pissed off?

“Stop yelling before the others wake up. Look Kam, you’re the only one left in this house for me basically. Don’t change on me too.”

“Oh, you expect me to be there for you when you weren’t for me?” his words had a double meaning, but I couldn’t figure out what…

“Look, I get that you’re pissed I left, I thought you were okay with it…This was our plan-”

“Plans change, lots of damn things change, Jens,” his usually glowing blue eyes seem to get duller by the minute.

“I know, I hate it. Kameryn, right now we’re all we have. Because everyone in there, they aren’t the people I remember leaving! We need each other, remember how we used to be so close? You told me to come here, I did. That’s all you had to ask. You could’ve asked earlier, but you barely called. Just forget about everything, and lets put the past behind us and move on. Lets go back to how things used to be,” I pleaded. I need my little brother. I need Kameryn, he’s always been there and he always made everyone else happy. I don’t know what happened when I left, but I will find out soon. Kameryn will help me, I know he will.

“You promise you won’t leave again?” his voice came out as a whisper, and I saw the pain in his eyes. 

“I promise. Do you?” I asked.

Kameryn looked out across the water once again, “You can leave without really being gone.”

“Huh?” I asked. There he goes with the double meaning.

Kameryn sighed, “I may leave, Jenson, but I won’t be really gone. Until then, I will do everything in my power to help you. I don’t have that long, but you just have to trust me when I say that everything happens for a reason. And before I…leave…I want this family to be a family once more.”


I stepped into my room and silently shut the door. Where is Kameryn leaving to? Gosh, now I have more thoughts running through my mind. Just what I need…Note the sarcasm? I saw Aria sleeping on my couch and silently sighed. I carefully picked her up, trying my hardest not to wake her, and climbed the steps. Once I reached the top, I kicked open my door. It creaked…Damnit. I saw her stir but she continued to sleep softly in my arms. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, and gently laid her in my bed. I pushed the covers over her and tucked her in.

“You owe me so many damn answers,” I whispered to her, as I turned and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I grabbed a blanket and laid myself onto the couch, putting the fabric over me. Maybe things will be better tomorrow…


Author's Note: Yay Kammy's back! I was getting tired of him being stuck in all that drama, Kameryn needs to go back to his funny & alive self! What do you think he meant when he said he was leaving? Where is he going? Why did Aria tell Ryder all those lies? Even if you guess it right, I won't tell you because I'm mean like that. D: Lol, Just kidding! If i told you, then this wouldn't be fun to read anymore. What's a story without a few mysteries and drama?But anyway probably some of you have been waiting for a update. Sorry D: While you were waiting I was just over here reading a bunch of different stories. I especially liked World of Celebrities by Night_Shine. If you guys go check it out, I will try to update more often! Key Word: TRY. My brother keeps trying to take my laptop and I'm over here like, "What the crap? You have your own computer!" And school is coming up, ugh, so I have to get my supplies and all that boring, yucky stuff. Well I'm sure you're tired of me talking by now! I'm sure some of you might've skipped this Author's Note. Haha well please check out that book! It's amazing! It only has one chapter at the moment, but maybe if you guys vote and comment, she will update! Thank you to the people who read this, and to my other readers! I love you all, please enjoy this chap! And Vote & Comment & tell others about my book please! ^Unedited^


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