Chapter Thirty-One: It's Not Like Anyone's Dying

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Jenson's POV:

"No, Kameryn just completely blew up. If it weren't so serious, I would've laughed at the tension. If that makes sense..." Chase rambled on.

I raised a brow at him and Tyler. They've been talking nonstop about Kameryn's outburst. I don't entirely blame the kid for exploding on them, it's a lot to handle. This family is a lot to handle, and it seems like Kam's been under a lot of stress. I need to talk to him soon. I need to talk to a lot of people, but it seems like they all speak in riddles.

"Wait, wait...So he said Aria might be preggers?" Tyler asked.

"So that's what you hear out of the whole story?" Chase observed, "Get your head out of the gutter, bro."

"It's an important factor," Tyler defended, sending me a quick look. I rolled my eyes and strummed my guitar some more. So what if Aria's pregnant, it was her decision. I respect her enough to let her go. If it's Ryder she wants, it's Ryder she'll have. Like Kameryn, I'm done fighting for something that was never mine. Except Kameryn's case was a bit different.

"Yeah, yeah. He said she possibly could be."

"Is that even correct grammar?" Tyler questioned.

"Since when did you turn into a Grammar Nazi?" I asked, chuckling.

"Hey! I'm smart."

"Really? The only thing you know is how to get a girl in bed," Chase shook his head.

"Oh, you forgot that he studies pick-up lines 24/7," I added, setting my guitar down next to the couch.

"You guys are just bullies," Tyler huffed, "I'll have you know, that those pick-up lines help me get laid."

"I could've went without knowing that, bud," I commented, stretching out onto the couch.

"I thought we were trying to have a heart-to-heart conversation here?" Tyler asked.

"What part of my story made you believe that this was a heart-to-heart conversation?" Chase inquired, tilting his head.

"You know a girl told me the other day, that when a guy tilts his head it means he has a crush on her. Do you have a crush on me Chase?" Tyler teased, standing up.

"Sorry, I'm not into the whole incest thing, Tyl', you'll have to go to your twin for that one. Don't twins have like special needs?"

"What the hell," I muttered, closing my eyes, "This conversation just went downhill."

"Now, now, Chasey. I've got girls for that."

"Shut up, Tyler," Chase chuckled. Chase got up and walked out of the room. I opened my eyes and looked at Tyler as he squatted down beside the couch.

"What's up?" I asked, curiously.

"I think you should talk to Kameryn," Tyler murmured, quietly.

"No shit, Sherlock," I deadpanned.

"He hasn't come out of his room, Jens."

"Not to even eat?"

"Not to even eat," Tyler confirmed.

This is serious. Kameryn always eats, I mean...He's Kameryn. I'll talk to him tonight, when everyone's asleep. That way no one can bust in and interrupt our conversation. Kameryn needs someone, and I'm always the one that he goes to because we're close. The fact that he hasn't come to me with this, stings.

"I'll talk to him."

"Good," Tyler nodded and stood up.


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