Chapter Twenty-Five: Might Have To Go Find You A Tampon

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"Did Aria seriously just leave us?" Callis asked, his mouth opening once again due to shock.

"Yup, I thought she was braver than this," I chuckled.

"Dude, how's she going to get home?" 

"We'll worry about that later, lets go find the others and hope that Grasshopper isn't dead." I start trudging up the Stairs of Doom. For each step a creek follows. 

"We're going to die, aren't we?" Callis grumbled, messing with the strings of his hoodie.

"Way to think positively!" I grinned, sarcasm dripping from each word. We make it to the top and look around. 

"Where did they go?"

"How am I suppose to know, Genius?" Callis dropped the strings he was fiddling with a crossed his arms, searching everything that the eye can see. I found nothing.

Then I heard it again-the scream.

"I'm so done with this place," Callis growled. I chuckled, walking down a hallway.

"You should go check the other one," I called to him, noticing him standing in the same place I had left him. He shot me a glare.

"Are you stupid? Haven't you ever watched movies? Never split up!"

"Come on dude. You won't get-"

"Yo, look around you! Do you see the others? No! You never split up!" Callis interrupted, much to my annoyance. I rolled my eyes and began walking again.

"Who's the Scaredy Cat now," I mumbled.

"I ain't scared, just have more common sense than you."

"That's a first," I snickered, coming to a stop in front of a room.

"And I don't suggest we go in there-" Callis started.

"Too late," I pushed the door open, my eyes widening.

"I told you not to open the fucking door!" Callis yelled, punching my arm. Just like Kameryn and Tyler had told us, the floor was covered with toys. There was one single bed, the sheets neatly made on it. A Bible in the center.

"I thought they were just messing with our heads..." I muttered, letting go of the door and backing up.

"Me too, bro, me to," Callis gulped. Aha, the big bad Callis Woods is scared! Where's a camera when you need one.

"Lets get out of here!" Callis grabbed my arm, pulling me from the room. Footsteps echoed throughout the house.

"We're going to die!" Callis whisper-yelled.

"Calm down or I might have to go find you a tampon," I pushed him slightly, "Go this way."

We ran down the hall as quietly as we could before running into a guy with a black hat on top of his head. He looked to be around Kameryn's age, his black hair sticking out smoothly. The shadow blocking out his face.

May I repeat once again...

Uh oh..


Author's Note: Please Vote/Comment/Share! Thank you all for reading(: Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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