Chapter Thirty-Three: We Can Fix It

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Jenson's POV:

"-It's only thirty-five percent chance of dying. It would be lower if I had found out earlier," he answered finally.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and let my head drop into my lap.

"So we can fix it?"

"We can fix it."

"Thank God, Kameryn."

Kameryn sighed and sat down next to me, "All that yelling and deep shit made me hungry."

We laughed and for once, everything seemed okay.


Ryder's POV:

My voice caught in my throat, my body not moving. How the hell did she get my number?

"What do you want Perry?" I asked, bitterly.

"Hey, hey. What crawled up your ass and died?"


"What do you want?" I repeated, losing my temper.

"You know what I want," she said, seductively.

"Forget it, I'm married," I rejected.

"Married? The Ryder I knew told me marriage was a joke," she cackled, her high pitched laugh made me cringe.

"I'm not the same Ryder you knew," I growled.

"Once a player...Always a player," she purred.

"Go fuck your grandma, slut," I hung up on her, tossing my phone onto the floor.


"What are you doing, Aria?" I asked, as she barged into the room and started looking through drawers.

"Without it, I can't leave," she muttered--more to herself than me--and kept searching. What the fuck?

"Leave, huh? So that's how it's going to be. You move to a different room and don't tell me what the hell is going on, and now you wanna leave? To where? Back to England?"

She stopped for a second before shoving the dresser drawer shut. I winced at the noise and looked at her to see her glaring at me.

"You don't know what I'm going through."

"I would if you would just tell me," I remarked, getting up off of the bed. I stood in front of her and she crossed her arms, averting her gaze.

"I can't."

"Right," I shook my head, "I can't believe you. To think that you might've had me whipped for a second."

She inhaled a breath and looked back up at me.

"Might've," I repeated, "I'm Ryder, I can't settle down." 

Why am I proving that Perry was right about me.

Shut the fuck up Ryder before you mess everything up.

"What are you saying?" she asked me, her blue eyes  watering.

"I'm saying that I'm done with you. You're just a waste of my time anyway. What kind of relationship are we in if you can't even tell me what's bothering you."

You just couldn't keep that trap of yours shut, huh Ryder?

"Wanna know what's bothering me, Ryder? This marriage is what's bothering me. It's a fluke. There's nothing for us, and there never was. Go be a player, go get as many girls as you want. Just know that you're the one who's going to be missing out on something great one day. And that's a family," she slipped the diamond ring off her finger and threw at me. I watched her leave the room and slam the door.

Calm down, Ryder.

I saw my iPhone on the floor and picked it up, dialing the number I thought i'd never use.

"I knew you'd come to your senses," she purred.

Don't do this, you son of a bitch.

"I'll be at your place in ten," I muttered before hanging up.

I'm such a dick.


Jenson's POV:

I had left Kameryn's room to go get us some food only to hear yelling from Ryder's room. Not soon after did Aria come storming out of there and walk to her room, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I quickly followed her but was met with an empty room. I heard the shower on and sighed, shaking my head. Of course she'd be the one to take showers when she's angry. I walked in and was about to leave when I saw a device in the trash can. I walked to to it and my breath hitched. It was a pregnancy test and there was a plus in the window of it.

Aria was pregnant.

Aria freaking Wolff was freaking pregnant.

Aria freaking Wolff was freaking pregnant with my freaking cousin.

Aria freaking Wolff was freaking pregnant with Ryder freaking Woods.


I heard the shower shut off and I quickly scrambled out of the bathroom. I saw Ryder down the stairs heading to the front door.

I couldn't take this baby from him.

I couldn't take Aria from him.

Ryder had won.

He had the one thing I've ever wanted.

Ryder had Aria and their baby.

I had lost.

Not giving myself a chance to think anymore, I ran down the stairs taking two at a time and headed after Ryder.

When I pulled up to the house he had came to, I slammed my head against the steering wheel.

I was too late.

He went into Perry Harris's house.


Author's Note: Dun, Dun, Dunn. 

Get ready for lots of updates though, because school is approaching fast, and my goal is to get this story done ASAP. Anway, don't forget to Vote/Comment/Share! ^.^


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