Stay (Louis Tomlinson)

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Chapter 1

(Bella POV)

Hi I'm Bella Andrews! I'm 18 and I live in California. It's great here. I've been living I Cali since I was 2. I was born in Doncaster, England. My grandma still lives there. I get to visit her every 2 years. Well, my time to go is tomorrow! I'm excited, but 3 weeks alone with grandma is going to be boring. She has a new boyfriend named Dave. He seems nice. I'm glad grandma found someone though. Her divorce with grandpa was very sad and hard for her.

"Bella stop daydreaming about boys!" My mum said snapping me back to reality. I was in my old pink room packing for the trip.

"Mum I'm not, and shouldn't u be at work?" I asked throwing my old sweater that I still love into the suitcase.

"Nope they let me come home to help you pack." Mum said walking into my closet and rummaging through it before picking out a pink dress.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Just in case you meet some boys" mum said smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"Mum, Brad is my boyfriend." I told her for like the 100th time. She didn't say anything. She didn't like Brad because he is a "Bad-Boy"

"leave now. I wanna call Stella and Hannah goodbye" I shooed her out I my room. I called both girls.

"This trip is going to be so boring without some people in my own age group!" I told them.

"Who knows" Hannah said.

"Maybe you'll meet some boys.."

Stay |Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now