Help Me

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Chapter 45

(Bella POV)

The next morning I woke up to Louis laying next to me. As I got out of bed he woke up. "Hey babe" he said in his morning voice. "Go back to bed its only 7:30. I'm just going to take the kids on a walk" I said and kissed him on the lips. "Mmk babe" he said and kissed me back. "Bye Lou" I said and carried Annie and Kyle downstairs. Again, no one was awake. I got the stroller out of the garage and put the twins in the seats. I closed the front door and started to walk pushing the stroller. I past the familiar park a couple blocks into the walk. I remember before Louis left on tour we had taken Annie and Kyle to this park. It was so much fun. Louis and I pushed them on the swings. Then we would sit them on our laps and go down the slide. Then Kyle threw up on Louis after going on the twirly slide. All of a sudden someone tapped my shoulder snapping me out of my day dream. I turned around. No. Oh god...

"Helloo" he said. It was Brad. I stood there stunned. I didn't speak. I stood in front of the stroller to protect them. "You babysitting?" He asked. "Mommy!" Annie called. Seriously? "Mommy?" He repeated angrily. "Oh my god!! Those are yours!" Brad yelled. "Go away Brad" I pleaded. "No. No I can't do that" he smirked. "C'mon lemme see 'em!" He said pointing at the stroller. "No" I said. "Hmm" he pushed me hard out of the way. "Aw they're cute" he said. Then he pulled a gun out of his pocket. "NO!" I yelled and jumped in the way. "Get out of the way Bella or i'll shoot you!" He threatened. "BELLA!" I heard someone yell. It was Louis. He was standing across the street. He saw Brad pointing the gun at me and our kids. "LOUIS HELP!" I yelled not getting out of the way. "DROP THE GUN!" Louis yelled and bolted across the street. He stood in front of me. "Drop the gun Brad" Louis demanded. "No!" Brad spat back.

"Brad why are you doing this to me? Why do you want to kill me?" I cried. "Bella you and I were dating! And then you go to your Gran's house and meet, him, and then just ditch me. Bella. I loved you. But now since he stole your heart, i'll kill him first, then you" he said. "Brad please don't kill us!" I pleaded. "Brad don't you DARE touch Bella" Louis warned. "Just drop the gun" he added. He did. Just when I thought he'd stop, brad ran up to us and punched Louis in the gut. Louis fell down. Then Brad punched his face. Louis fell clutching his stomach. "NO!" I shrieked. I knelt next to Louis and brad ran away laughing. Louis's eyes tried to stay open. "Bella.." Louis whispered. "Yes?" I said crying and holding him. "C-call Liam" he whispered. I nodded and raced to my bag on the stroller. I grabbed my phone and dialed Liams' number. "Hello?" "Liam!" I yelled still crying. "Bella what's wrong? Are you okay?" He demanded. Liam's always was there for me. He's like my brother. "N-no! L-Louis's hurt. We're at the park." I cried. "Hurry!" I said and hung up. "He's on his way Louis" I said and lightly kissed his head. "Stay with me" I whispered. I was worried.

Louis has been punched before. What had happened this time? Why couldn't he stand up. In a minute Liam and Danielle sprinted towards us. Dani ran to me and cradled me in her arms as I cried. "It's okay" she repeated to me. Liam tried talking to Louis. "Louis, stay with me here, okay? Does this hurt?" He asked touching different parts of Louis's stomach. Louis grunted loudly. "Stop! Your hurting him!" I yelled at Liam. Dani held on to me tighter. "It's ok Bella. My mum taught me this. Louis obviously got punched so hard that it did something. I'm not sure what but he's just grunting 'cause I'm stretching a muscle out to help with the pain" Liam quickly explained to me. Danielle called Harry and he quickly arrived. Harry and Liam slowly picked up Louis and I pushed the stroller back with Danielle. When we got to our house the boys laid him on the couch and got ice. I held the ice in my hand and placed it in his stomach. Louis's eyes flicked open after 10 min. "Babe?" He asked. "I'm so sorry Louis!" I cried. "It's ok. I'm ok Bella" he said and cradled me in his arms. "I love you" he said.

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