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Chapter 22

(Louis POV)

I was so hurt by what Bella said in her sleep. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. After all I did for her. I was going to Liam and Dani's house to talk. I knocked on the door. Liam answered the door.

"Hey mate come in"

"Thanks" I said glumly.

"Instead of talking can we just watch a movie?" I asked.

"Uh sure" he replied. Danielle joined us. We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. When the snake jumped out we all screamed. It made me smile. Not the snake- oh god no! Just the screaming.

"Will you two be quiet?" A voice said. Danielle gasped.

Liam said "uh" I turned to where the sound was coming from- the hallway. Out came..Bella. What? Bella?

"Louis" she whispers seeing me sitting on the couch staring at her.

"What is she doing here?" I asked rudely. I pointed to Bella.

"Erm well she has no where to go I we let her stay here" Liam said staring at me then Bella.

"Oh I thought she'd go home to her abusive boyfriend! The one that she "loves!" I yelled. She looked hurt and about to cry.

"Louis I was having a nightmare about-" she said. I cut her off.

"Oh save it Bella! I know you love Brad!" I yelled back. Bella stepped forward.

"Louis I love you! Not Brad." She wailed.

"Just shut up! I don't love you anymore so just get out of here!!" I yelled at her. I basically exploded with words. She stared at me for a moment then she started to cry and ran into the room to the hallway into a room. Liam and Danielle jumped up.

"Bell wait!" Danielle said running to Bella.

"Mate she told me she really does love you!" Liam yelled.

"Whatever" I muttered.

"Are you on drugs or something?!" Liam yelled. He was really pissed off!

"No I'm just mad at her" I yelled back. I sat down trying to calm down.

"Well the Louis I know, would never say that to anyone. Let alone a girl" he said.

"Well it's not everyday you hear your girlfriend say I love you to her ex" I muttered.

"Louis, earlier today Bella did say that it was a nightmare. Something like she was trapped and the only way brad would let her go is if she said I love you. I dunno but I know for a fact she loves you. Although after that, I'm not sure" he said to me. I didn't respond. I stood up an walked down the hall and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Dani asked.

"Uh, it's Louis" I whispered.

"Bella?" I heard her ask Bella. No answer. I stood at the door for 2 min until it opened to Dani. She left and I walked in. In the room was Bella. She was sitting on the bed.

"Hi" I said walking in and shutting the door behind me.

"Hey" she whispered no looking at me.

"If your going to say everything terrible about me then please leave." Bella said still looking down.

"I couldn't. Because there is nothing terrible about you" I said. She looked up.

"Look I'm really sorry Bella about that. I don't know what came over me. Liam told me about how it was because of your nightmare. And I believe you so.." I trailed off. I walked over and whispered in her ear.

"I love you bells" she smiled.

"I love you too Louis. But-"

"but what?" I asked.

"I'm going to college in a week and I don't want to have a long distance relationship. It'd be too hard while studying and everything" she said. She wiped away a tear from her face. I stood in shock.

"Are you- are you breaking up with me?" I stuttered. She didn't speak.

"F-fine! Okay, whatever" I stuttered. It wasn't fine, or ok. No I needed bella! I ran out of the room. I ran out of the hallway.

"Are you and Bella back together?" Dani asked hopefully.

"Not even close" I said and ran out of the house and into my car. I drove home. Alone and without a girlfriend. So this is what it feels like to be single. I didn't like that. I wanted to cry. No one to love. No one to care for. And no one to call "yours"

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