More Than This

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Chapter 28

(Bella POV)

"C'mon babe we're late!" Louis called from downstairs. "And Brooke, Harry is here" he finished. Brooke and I were in my room studying and then we had to get dressed for Lottie's party. "We're late for Lottie's party Bella! Lets go!" Brooke said. "Ok ok I have to get my dress" I said running into the bathroom. I live in a massive house with Louis . I walked back into the master room we share. Everyone had to be dressed fancy for the party. Brooke and I went shopping for dresses the other day. My dress was a short pink dress. I slipped it on and curled my hair. My flats were white. "Wow you look great!" Brooke said admiring me. She had changed too and she was wearing light blue short dress. "I love your dress!" I said. She spun around. "Ready to show them?" I asked. We exited the room and went downstairs. Harry and Louis were standing there in tuxes. "You-you two look gorgeous!" They both said eying us. "Thanks!" We replied. Louis walked over to me and wrapped his arm around mine as Harry did the same. We got in the car and drove to the place I dreaded most: Doncaster.

From what I know, Gran still thinks I'm in California. As we pulled up to the Louis's old house I froze. He gave me a hug. "It's ok love" he whispered in my ear. Brooke, Harry, Louis and I knocked on the door. Lottie answered. "Happy Birthday!" We all cheered pulling her into a hug. "Thank you so much!" She said. We were the last ones to arrive. Perrie, fizzy, daisy, phoebe, Danielle, Liam, Niall and Zayn were standing around talking. Lottie also had some school friends here too. I passed the neatly wrapped present to Lottie. Louis and I bought her an engraved necklace with her name, earrings, and a bracelet. I also put her favorite candies in it. She thanked me. The night at the party was amazing. Everyone was dancing and it was so much fun! Louis and I were thirsty so we went to get some punch. We were talking and drinking when someone tapped my shoulder. Before I turned around they said "excuse me can I get some p-" I turned around at that moment. I gasped. So did Louis. His grip on me tightened. "B-Bella? What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you in California?" She spoke with disgust. I couldn't believe this. I didn't respond. It was my Gran. "I-I brought her back to-to live with me" Louis said shocked. "B-but then we broke up and I went to college and-and Gran he saved my life!" I exclaimed. She stared at me. "Bella you can do SO much better than him!" Gran whined. "Excuse me?" Louis asked. "No! No I can't!" I yelled. Lottie noticed and so did Mrs Tomlinson.

"Jay why did you invite Bella's Gran?" Louis said. Wow. Gran's comment really set him off. "Oh I'm sorry Louis but she's my friend." Jay said. "Yeah? Well she HATES me and Bella" he said and stormed off outside. I started to chase after him when Zayn stopped me. "No Bella. Louis needs to cool off" he spoke. I turned around and looked for another door. The back door!! I sprinted and sat in the grass, and cried. I cried for 10 min until someone picked me up. It was Louis. "Lou- I'm so sorry! I didn't know my Gran would hate you and I-I I'm so sorry about her!" I cried into his sleeve. "It's fine. I'm sorry I over-reacted. I was just so mad. I'm so confused on my she hates me so much." He said. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. "C'mon lets leave, ok?" Louis asked. I nodded. He took my hand and we drove home. I knew Brooke was coming over later to study. I got a text from her in the car. //Brooke: I know you left. R u ok? Can we still study? Bella: yeah I'm fine. Of course you can come over :) brooke: can you ask Louis if Harry can come over too?// I asked him and he said that was fine. I texted Brooke back. She thanked me as we pulled onto the driveway. Louis and I went inside and watched tv until the doorbell rang.

I walked to the door and opened it. "Hey girly" Brooke said hugging me. "Hey" I greeted them. Brooke and I went to Louis and I's room to study. We were working for 40 min when we heard singing. She gave me a questioning look. I nodded and we tip toed out of the hallway. Still hidden I heard Louis playing the piano singing with Harry. I recognized that song. It was one of their own. It was More Than This. "Do you know this song?" I whispered. She nodded. "Me too" I whispered back. Harry and Louis were now singing "when he lays you down I might just die inside.." Brooke whispered, "shall we?" I soon understood what she meant. We both walked out singing where they were. They looked surprised to see us. I sat next to Louis and we all sang. It was a moment i'll never forget. Singing with my BFF's and my BF.

We finished the song and Louis smiled. "I didn't know that you sang!" He said. I giggled. "We heard you two playing" Brooke said. Everyone talked for a while until they had to leave. I was getting ready for bed when Louis called me to our room. "Yes?" "The boys and I are having a concert a week from today about 20 min from here. Do you want to come and hang out backstage?" He asked. "Yeah!"

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