Big News

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Chapter 29

(Bella's POV)

The concert got canceled and rescheduled in 3 weeks. For those 3 weeks the boys were off. Louis and I bonded really well and hung out with the boys alot. Also for 3 days I've known that I'm pregnant! I'm so happy! Louis has no clue! The only people that know are Danielle, Perrie, and Brooke. They all know because we were having a girls day out when I found out. They're all really happy for me... And Brooke. She's pregnant too! I am very happy for her! I just have to tell Louis and I have an idea. *2 days later* "hey Lou, can you come shopping with me?" I said. "Sure for what?" He asked. "Uh.. Just some new clothes" I lied. I was going to tell him about the baby. "Let's go" he said. We drove to the mall. I walked into Penny's. Louis gave me a questioning look because I always go to designer stores. "Umm a change" I suggested. He slightly nodded and followed me. As we were walking through the store something caught his eye in the men's department. I told him to go look at it and find me later. I secretly walked to the baby clothes. They all looked so cute! I just wanted to browse. I didn't even know the gender of the baby. It's way too early.

Then I saw some baby converse shoes. Converse are my favorite!! I picked them up an turned into another isle when I heard my name. "Bella!" It was Louis I poked my head out of the isle. He saw me. "There you are!" He said. "Hi" I whispered. Then I realized I still had the baby shoes in my hand. "Oh Louis look what I saw! Aren't they cute!" I gushed showing him the shoes. "Yeah they are, but they're for a baby" he said. Here we go. I didn't say anything. We stared at each other. Louis looked confused. Then finally his yes grew bigger and bigger after he realized the hint I gave him. I smiled slightly. "You-you-your-?" He stuttered out. "P-P-pregnant?" He finished with an astonished look. I nodded. He then ran to me screaming "OH MY GOD!!!" And he hugged me tightly. I giggled as he kissed me passionately. "B-Bella! This is amazing!" He cheered. He picked me up and twirled me around saying repeatedly "this is amazing!" All I did was giggle. He put me down. "Wow! This is just unreal!" He said smiling. I knew he'd be a great dad. We kissed again for a good 30 seconds.

"Do you know what gender?" "Not yet. I just found out 5 days ago!" I replied. "I hope it's a girl so she's as pretty as you" he said. I blushed. Louis took the shoes out of my hand and walked the register and bought them. "I love you" he said as we walked back to the car. "I love you too! I can't wait to tell the boys." I said. He smiled. We drove home. "Guess what?" I said walking inside. "What?" "Brooke's pregnant too" I said. "Wow really? Does Harry know?" "Nope! Should we tell everyone at once?" I asked. "Yeah defiantly" he replied. "Movie night?" I asked. "I'll text them." Louis said. Movie night happened a lot for the past 2 weeks. We got together to watch a movie. It was always a good laugh. Harry, Brooke, Liam, Dani, Zayn, Perrie, Niall and Josh Devine would all come over. Tonight Brooke and I would tell the boys since the girls already know.

*4 hours later* everyone was here at our house. We finished watching Toy Story 3. (Liam's choice) I looked over to Brooke. She nodded. I took Louis's hand and stood up. "Hey guys" I cleared my throat. Brooke stood next to me and Louis. Everyone looked up. The girls smiled. "Uh well the girls and Louis already know this but uh Harry especially.." Brooke trailed off. Harry looked concerned. "So uh.. Bella and I.. Are.. Pregnant" Brooke finished. Harry's mouthed opened in shock. "With each others babies?!?" Zayn joked. Everyone laughed but the frozen Harry. "No Zayn" I said. Harry just sat there in shock as everyone congratulated us. "R-r-really?" Harry stuttered. "Yeah! Babe u ok?" She asked. "Okay? I'm perfect!!" Harry cheered hugging Brooke. I giggled and Louis kissed me. "I'm so excited to be a dad" he whispered into my ear.

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