Broken Promise

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Chapter 16

(Bella POV)

All I remember was heading home, going to sleep, and waking up in an airport! I looked around. Apparently I was in terminal E. why am I in an airport? Just then someone over a loudspeaker said "The plane to California leaves in 25 minutes"

"No" I whispered.

"Yes" a voice behind me said. I turned around to look at Gran. She was reading a paper.

"Your going back home. I told you" she said.

"How did you get me here?!?" I demanded.

"I put some "deep sleep" medicine in your tea before you went to bed" she said.

"I can't believe you did this! Why do you hate me? What did Louis ever do to you?" I said angrily.

"Sweetie I'm just protecting you" she said.

"No. You HATE me" I yelled and turned around.

"He is a terrible boy who is just using you! Look at your eye! He couldn't stop the girl from punching you." Gran said. I didn't reply. 15 minutes past of silence.

"Bella I'm going to the bathroom. Don't go anywhere!" Gran said.

"Whatever" as she turned the corner and out of the terminal I leaped to a bag next to me. It had all of my things. I dug through everything as quick as I could to find what I needed: my phone.

I dialed Louis's number.


"Louis it's Bella I only have a couple of minutes before gran comes back so-"

"what are you talking about Bella? Where are you?" He interrupted me.

"Gran got me to an airport in my sleep"

"WHAT?!?" He yelled.

"I'm going back to California" I said shaking.


"Liam get the car! Bella's at the airport!"

"Louis listen to me! I'll go home, and come right back! I'll go to London instead of Doncaster" I said.

"And Louis?"


"You didn't keep your promise.." I heard him crying quietly.

"Bells I'm so sorry! I tried I really did!" I could tell he really meant it.

"I know you did but- oh crap she coming back! I gotta go!" I whispered and hung up. I stuffed the phone in my pocket. Gran walked over.

"I see you didn't move" she said.


"I'm gonna get a drink" I said and walked off. I called Louis again.

"Babe don't come" I said without a hello.

"Too late. And why?" He asked

 "I'm 15 minutes to the airport" he finished. I heard the Liam whispering in the background.

"Louis my flight leaves in 5 minutes" I whispered tearing up.

Silence again.

"Louis I love you so much" I said.

"I love you even more" he said. I hung up and walked back.

"Doncaster to California is now boarding" the announcer said. I flinched.

"Goodbye Bella" gran said holding out the bag. I hesitantly took it and walked into the hallway that leads to the plane. This is it.

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