Chapter Thirteen ~Aleena~

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When I woke up from the crash, I was in an unfamiliar room. I could hear people talking. Slowly, I got up and followed the voices. I walked into the room, and Alice, Bella and Renesmee jumped up.

"Aleena, are you okay?" Renesmee asked.

I winced at the loudness of her voice. "Yeah, just don't talk so loud." I said, my voice raspy. I cleared my throat and asked Edward, "Where's Seth?"

"He's in his room. He's still unconscious."

"Can I see him?"

"Yeah." I followed him down the hallway. I was still hearing the voices in my head. Edward must have heard, because he turned and looked at me.

"Aleena, are you hearing voices or something?"

"Yeah. I don't know where they're coming from, though."

"Hmm." He said. But, before I could ask anything else, he opened a door. I stepped in, and ran to Seth's bedside.

"How long has he been out?" I asked.

"Only a few hours. We're not sure when he'll wake up. Carlisle gave him some morphine to keep the pain down, but he didn't know exactly how much."

I nodded, not looking away from Seth's sleeping face.


I spent the next two days sitting at Seth's side. When I was tired, I would curl up beside him and sleep. I never left, never ate, never anything except look at Seth and hold his hand, willing him to wake up. I only left on the second day when Emmett came in and physically carried me out of the room. Esme forced me to eat something. I was eating a bowl of soup when Edward said, "Aleena? Could you come here, please?"

I jumped up and ran to the door, but slowed down to a walk. I heard him sigh in relief, and then I heard, Edward, why is she perfectly fine? I was injured in that, and she's perfectly fine.

Ignoring that, I walked over to his side once again. I put my hands on his face, and whispered, "Are you okay?"

"Yes." He said. He went to hold my hand, but noticed the bandage on my right arm. He shoved the sleeve up. "You're hurt!" he said.

"It's nothing, Seth. Honest." I put the sleeve back down.

"How long have I been out?" he asked.

Before I could reply, Edward said, "Two days."

I heard, How bad was she? Seth closed his eyes. Then why is she already healed? He opened his eyes.

Still looking at him, I said, "You really should rest."

"Don't leave." He whined.

I grinned. "I've been staying with you for the past two days. I only left because Emmett picked me up and carried me out of here."

He laughed, and then stopped abruptly.

"Please, sleep."

He nodded, already drifting off.

I waited to make sure he was really asleep, and then slipped back out into the hallway, where I ran into Edward.

"Can I talk to you?" I whispered, knowing he would hear me.

He motioned for me to follow him.

I followed him outside.

Hunching against the rain, I asked, "What's going on with me? I could hear Seth asking you why I was already healed, but his mouth wasn't moving."

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