Chapter Sixty ~Seth~

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I woke up when I almost rolled off of the couch. Blinking myself awake, I noticed that I was covered up with a blanket and someone had given me a pillow.

Ugh. I thought to myself. It smells like vampires. I sat up and rubbed my nose, trying to get rid of the smell.

I moved to get off the couch, and almost stepped on Aleena.

Whoa I quietly slid to the end of the couch and tiptoed into the kitchen, so as not to wake Aleena up.

Before I got in the kitchen, however, she shivered. I covered her with the blanket and placed the pillow in front of her so she could use it.

Rubbing my face, I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Seth." Esme said. "Or, should I say, good afternoon?"

"What?" I looked at her, sleep still in my eyes.

She smiled and laughed. "It's two in the afternoon; you slept nearly all day."

I blinked hard. "Wow."

She laughed again. "Breakfast?" she asked.

I nodded. "Please." She started getting the ingredients together.

"Is Aleena still asleep?" she asked.

"Yeah." I stretched again and sat down at the bar. I yawned, and then said, "I can't believe I slept that long."

"Well, you had been through quite a bit yesterday."

I nodded. "True." Looking back towards the living room, I thought to myself, I hope Aleena's all right.

"She is." Edward said, coming in from outside. "Don't worry."

"You're one to talk about worrying." Bella said, following him.

He scoffed.

"Good morn—er, afternoon, Seth." Bella said to me, smiling.

I nodded, and then suppressed another yawn. "Man, I don't know why I'm so tired!" I exclaimed.

"Dude. You've practically been through hell the past few days." Jared said, walking in the kitchen. "I think that's a good enough reason to be exhausted for a little while."

"Jared? What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "Sam wanted me to check on you. Well, actually Sue did, but Sam's the one who told me to."

I nodded. "That makes more sense."

"Yup." He nodded. "Well, since you're awake, I guess my job is done." He waved at me. "See ya 'round, Seth."

"See ya, Jared."

"Here's breakfast, sweetie." Esme said as she handed me a plate stacked with waffles and eggs.

"Thanks." I said, and then dug in.

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