Chapter Forty Eight ~Seth~

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I sat there, watching the door Aleena had just ran out of. Eleazer had a smile on his face, but it faded when he saw the looks on my and Esme's face.

"What's wrong?" he looked from me to Esme.

"I…told her the truth." Mrs. Wilson said. Esme caught her before she collapsed.

"Seth, get the food." She said.

I just sat there.

"Seth!" I jumped. "Get the food!"

I grabbed the food and set it on the table. Ignoring my growling stomach, I phased and ran after Aleena, barely fitting through the door.

Aleena! I thought. ALEENA! I sniffed, searching for her scent. I found it and followed, mentally yelling her name over and over.


I found her a few hours later, sitting on the cliff that we liked to jump off of. I trotted up beside her and laid my head in her lap.

"Why don't you phase back?" she asked, looking out over the ocean and stroking my head.

Didn't bring any clothes. I thought, closing my eyes.

She laughed sadly. Shaking her head, she said, "Why does all the bad stuff happen to me?"

I opened an eye to look up at her. What do you mean?

She finally looked at me. "I take the Cullens' gifts, and now I have to give them back or join the Volturi, then I find out that my mom isn't even my real mom. And to make matters worse, I've dragged you into all this, too."

I sat up.

Aleena Marie Wilson, I began, do not blame yourself for this. I'm already part of this world; you didn't drag me into anything.

She huffed and wrapped her arms around her legs, letting the wind blow her hair around.

I nudged her with my nose. I think Eleazer's got some good news. When he came in earlier, he had a smile on his face. I stood up and walked a few feet away. I looked back at her and nodded my head in the general direction to the Cullens' house. Come on.

With a sigh, she pushed herself up.

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