Chapter Twenty Five ~Aleena~

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When Seth said that he'd probably pee himself, I thought that that was the funniest thing at that moment. I started giggling.

He looked at me. "What?"

I tried to stop laughing, but then I snorted, which got Seth laughing. Seconds later, we were both in a fit of laughter.

He stopped suddenly. I looked at him, confused.

"I have to pee." He said, moving to get up. Edward came over to help him. He walked to the bathroom while I was still laughing.

When I had finally gotten the laughing under control, I looked at Alice. She was staring at me intently.

"What?" I asked.

She blinked. "You haven't had any…visions, have you?"

I shook my head. "No, not lately. Why?"

She shrugged. "Just wondering." When I stared back at her, she just looked away, avoiding my gaze.

I got up off the bed and crossed my arms. "Alice."

She looked at me and innocently asked, "Yes?"

"What is it?"

She shook her head. "It's nothing, Aleena. Really."

I stared at her until she turned and walked out of the room. I closed my eyes, focusing on her.

It's so strange, she should have had some sort of vision about them. Did they decide not to come?

She walked out of the house and ran off somewhere.

Did who decide not to come?

I thought to myself. Well, I'll find out. Don't you worry about that, Alice. I walked down the stairs, following the smell of food into the kitchen.

Taking a whiff when I stood in the doorway, I said, "That smells good, Esme."

She looked up and smiled. "Thank you, Aleena." She looked behind me and asked, "Where's Seth? Is he any better?"

I stifled a laugh. "He's much better. He had to use the bathroom."

Her eyebrows scrunched together when I laughed.

I shook my head, smiling.

She shrugged and went back to piling the plates with food.

I took another whiff. "What is that?" I asked.

"Breakfast foods."

"Yum." I replied. She laughed. When I sat down at the bar in the middle of the kitchen, she set a plate piled high with eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of me. I immediately felt nauseous.

"What is it?" she asked, seeing my face.

I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to gag. I closed my eyes, trying to gain control of myself again. When I heard the scrape of her moving the plate away, I slowly opened my eyes. I lowered my hand and said, "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. When you set the food in front of me, I just felt like barfing. I'd totally eat it, though, if I wouldn't just throw it back up." I added, to make her feel better.

She smiled sadly. "Would you like a muffin or toast instead?"

I nodded. "Toast, please."

While I was nibbling on the piece of toast, Seth came down the stairs, using the railing and wall for support.

I ran over to him.

"Need any help?" I asked, looking up at him.

He nodded. I hopped up the few remaining steps and wrapped my arm around his waist. He put his arm over my shoulder and leaned on me, causing me to almost fall, but I quickly steadied myself.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I asked him, "Where do you want to sit?"

He closed his eyes and replied, "Anywhere comfy."

I laughed and led him into the living room.

After he was settled onto the couch, Esme brought him a plate of food. She set it down on his lap. I smelled the food, and had to run from it.

Esme followed me into the kitchen, where I had my head laid down on the bar. She walked up to me and rubbed my back. When I looked up, she had a sad look on her face.

"Sweetie, it's okay."

I raised my head to look at her. "How?"

"It just is. Just because you can't stand a little food doesn't mean the whole world is ending."

"It's not that; the question is why? Why can't I stand the smell of the food? I used to have that for breakfast all the time. Does it have something to do with me? Or the gifts?"

She sighed. "I don't know, honey." Carlisle walked in, followed by Eleazer.

"Ah, Aleena." Eleazer said. "I'm so sorry. I did not know that would happen. I never meant for it to—"

"Can it, Eleazer." I interrupted. I continued, ignoring their shocked faces and Esme's gasp. "It's not your fault. It's mine. I'm the one who took everyone's gifts, I'm the one who caused the Volturi to come here, and it's all my fault. Don't try to take the blame for any of this."

"Aleena!" Carlisle said, looking shocked.

"What?" I said, standing up. "It's true! It doesn't matter what any of you think or say, it's all my fault!" I clenched my hands into fists, my whole body trembling.

"Aleena, calm down." Jake said from behind me.

I whirled to face him. "For what reason?" I spat.

He flinched, but remained calm. "You're half-werewolf; you might phase."

"But, doesn't the half-vampire part sort of…cancel it out?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."

I rolled my eyes as I sighed heavily. "I'm serious, Aleena. One wrong move, and you might phase."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

"No. We don't know what the vampire half will do."

"See?" I said, looking back at Esme and Carlisle. "I'm not normal. I'm a freak."

"No one is normal, Aleena." Carlisle said. "That's just media's way to pressure people."

"Same difference." I said.

"No." He crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes again. "Whatever." I walked to the doorway between the kitchen and living room to see if Seth was done eating yet. He was. He was also looking towards the kitchen. When he saw me, he raised his hand, palm up, and crooked a finger, beckoning me to him.

I sat down on the couch, a few inches between us. I stared at the ground, avoiding his gaze.

"Aleena." He said.

"Yes?" I squeaked.

"Aleena." He repeated, sterner this time.

I looked at his forehead.


I sighed and looked into his eyes.

Then I had a vision.

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