Chapter Eighty Eight ~Seth~

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Aleena and I were attempting to dance when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned and almost took a step back.

Embry and Leah were both standing there, staring at me with slightly helpless looks on their faces.

"What?" I asked.

Leah grabbed my wrist and dragged me off, Embry following.

"What?!" I asked after she let go of my wrist.

We were outside, on the back porch.

"How do we tell them?!" Leah asked.

"Tell them what?" I feigned innocence of their imprinting.

"That we've imprinted on them; that we're werewolves." Embry said.

"I can help with that." Aleena said, leaning against the door frame. She gestured back inside with her head. "Come on."


"No freaking way." Was the first thing Max said. She shook her head. "No way."

"It's true." Embry said, looking hurt.

"Lee-Marie." She turned to Aleena. "This has got to be some sort of joke."

She smiled. "That's what I said." Then she turned serious. "It's not a joke, Max. They're telling the truth."

"Why aren't you freaking out?" Matt asked, narrowing his green-blue eyes.

She took a deep breath. "Because Seth imprinted on me."

"You're all…on crack!" Max almost yelled.

"Sshh!" Aleena said, then sighed in frustration. "Alice."

"Yes?" Alice popped up from nowhere.

"They don't believe us." Leah said, looking like she was about to cry. I walked over and hugged her.

"You're telling the truth, aren't you?" Max said, looking at each of us.

Leah nodded, sniffling, while Embry said, "Yeah."

She looked at Matt, then at Embry. She swallowed, then said, "Then I believe you."

"So do I." Matt said.

"You do?" Leah asked Matt.

He nodded. "You're getting this worked up about it; it has to be true, or at least important to you."

She smiled, the tears still falling.

Embry looked at Max. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Why else would she cry if it wasn't true?"

Just then, two howls ripped through the air.

I looked at Leah and Embry. "That's Jake and Sam."

They cussed.

"I gotta go, babe." I told Aleena.

She made a face.

I laughed and kissed her on the lips. "Love you!" I said just before I phased.

She said, "Love you, too!" just as Alice yelled, "Seth! You ruined your clothes!" very angrily.

I barked out a laugh.

Leah and Embry were beside me almost instantly.

We couldn't talk with Embry, so Leah and I talked on the way to Jake.

I'm happy for you, Leah. I told her.


Did you know? she asked after a few seconds of silence.

Know what? I asked.

That I would imprint on Matt.

No. I said truthfully. I think Aleena did, though.

That doesn't surprise me. she said.

I laughed, then took my rightful spot on Jake's right. Leah took the left.

What is it? Leah and I asked him at the same time.

Congratulations are in order. I heard from both Jake and Sam.

I was confused.

For Leah and Embry imprinting tonight.

Wait a minute! Leah said.

I looked at her.

Nobody congratulated Seth when he imprinted on Aleena.

You're right, Leah. Sam said.

Wait. I said. How can we hear Sam? We're not in his pack.

I'm letting him speak through me. Jake told us.

Now we shall howl in celebration for Seth, Leah, and Embry imprinting.

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