Chapter Twenty One ~Aleena~

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When I opened my eyes, Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Seth all gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"Your…eyes…" Alice said.

I looked at her quizzically. When I looked in her mind, trying to understand her, my eyes widened in shock.

"Why do my eyes look like wolf eyes?"

Nobody answered. I looked at everyone in the room. "Answer me!" I said.

"We're…not sure." Carlisle said.

"Well then, what the hell are you sure about?!" I sat up and ripped the IVs out of my arm.

"You're half-vampire, half-werewolf." Esme said quietly.


"Listen." Alice said. "What do you hear?"

I closed my eyes and concentrated. I heard Seth's steady heartbeat. The vampires were silent, except for the occasional inhaling and exhaling they do for show. But from me…nothing except breathing.

My eyes flew open. Slowly, I put my hand on my chest. There was no heartbeat.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong with you, sweetheart." Esme said. "We just don't know how this happened."

"This happened because something is wrong with me!" I yelled. "Look at me! Look at my eyes!" I started crying. I sighed heavily as I took my heels off. Turning away from everyone, I wrapped my arms around my legs. "I'm a freak." I froze as I 'saw' something. Rolling my eyes, I said, "Carlisle, answer your phone."

He flipped it open and said, "This is Carlisle."

After a few minutes of mhms and yeses, he hung up with a smile on his face.

"What is it?" Alice asked.

"The Denali coven is coming."

"Yes!" Esme said. When we all looked at her, she cleared her throat and composed herself, looking at her hands as she straightened her already straight shirt.

"What about the others?" I asked.

"I got a hold of Kachiri; they're coming. I'm going to try and call Nahuel again later." Alice said, walking towards the door. "I'll go check on the others." She walked out after looking at me for a few seconds.

I yawned. Carlisle and Esme looked at me.

"Oh, honey." Esme said. "You must be so tired. Would you like to go somewhere and sleep?"

I nodded, and then thought of something. "My parents…"

Carlisle chuckled. "They think you're camping with Alice, Bella and Renesmee."

I raised an eyebrow. "Camping?"

"Yes. They were skeptical at first, but we persuaded them."

I shrugged. "Okay." After I yawned again, I asked, "So, where's a bed for me?"

"At our cottage." Bella said, walking in. She looked around the room, reminiscing. "We figured you'd want to be away from all this for a while." She smiled. "Come on. You'll be sleeping in Renesmee's room."


I followed Bella to the cottage. It was beautiful. It looked like it should have been in a fairy-tale or something.

"Oh, Bella, it's gorgeous." I said as we walked inside.

"Esme's the one who restored it."

Seth came in behind us and closed the door. I walked over and hugged him. He tensed at first, but after a few seconds he relaxed and hugged me back. I breathed in his scent, willing myself to get lost in it.

Bella flipped on a light switch. "Come on." She said, walking off.

I grabbed Seth's hand and walked down the hallway, admiring the thousands of photographs of Renesmee, Edward, Bella and Jake on the walls.

I stepped into the room at the end of the hall. It was beautiful. A big bed with a mesh canopy all the way around it, a big bathroom with an even bigger mirror on the wall, and a closet that looked the size of my sister's apartment in New York.

"Renesmee's about your size. She won't mind sharing." Bella said. "Make yourself at home." She walked off.

I ran to the closet and searched for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. After a few minutes, I found them, and walked to the bathroom. I saw Seth sitting on the edge of the bed. He was watching me.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, okay?"

He just nodded.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. After I kissed him, I repeated, "Okay?"

He smiled and said, "Yeah."

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