Chapter Twenty Nine ~Aleena~

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"Emmett, will you hit for Aleena?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, sure." Rosalie scowled at him, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Why does he need to hit for me?" I asked.

"You have vampire speed, but you probably don't have vampire strength." Edward told me.

"Oh." I looked at Alice. "Who's batting first?"

She laughed. "We have to pick teams first. You're automatically on Emmett's team since he's hitting for you. As soon and Seth and Jake phase back and get dressed, we'll pick the rest." She looked at them meaningly.

They both huffed and turned to run off to their stash of clothes.

They returned in about ten minutes.

"Took you long enough." Alice said. Seth just made a face at her, then walked over to stand beside me. Jake ignored her and stood by Renesmee.

"So…" I started.

"There are 38 of us, so we could do…19 on each team? Or 18 on each team, one as all-time pitcher, one as umpire and back-catcher. What do you think?"

"18 on each." Carlisle said.

"Or else some people will try to cheat." Esme looked directly at Emmett.

He just shrugged and grinned. "What can I say?"

"Okay." I said. "So, who's pitcher, and who's ump-slash-back-catcher?"

"I'll be the umpire." Esme said, still glaring at Emmett.

"And I'll be pitcher." Alice said.

"What about the rest of us?" Seth asked.

"Captains?" I asked.

Alice nodded.

"Who?" I said after a few seconds of silence.

"Edward and Jasper?" she looked at them.

Edward nodded and Jasper shrugged.

"Sure. Why not?" he said.

"Okay. Now, remember, if you pick Emmett, you pick Aleena." She turned and walked off to the middle of the field.

Edward crossed his arms. "You or me first?" he asked Jasper.

"I don't care." He replied.

Edward rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll go first." He pursed his lips, then said, "Emmett."

I walked over with Emmett and stood beside him. he looked down and grinned at me. I smiled back.






















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