Chapter Thirty ~Seth~

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After I dropped Aleena off at her house, I returned the car to the Cullens' garage.

After I had parked it, I left the keys in the ignition and walked out of the garage. As soon as I phased, I heard Embry grumbling.

Stupid baseball game. We should've won...

Dude, Embry. Calm down. It was just a game.

Whatever, man. I'm getting some sleep.

All right. See ya later.

He phased back, and I was left alone to run patrol.

I ran until I was dead-beat exhausted. I stumbled into my house, and blindly found my way to my room. Not even bothering to put boxers or anything on, I fell onto the bed and passed out.


I woke up to an incessant banging on my door.

"Seth! Wake up!" Leah yelled.

I groaned and rolled over, falling off my bed.

"What?" I asked, covering up with my blankets. My room was freaking cold.

"You've got school. And, isn't Aleena coming over after school?"

"How'd you find that out?"

"Bella told me."

"How'd she find out?"

"Alice. Now, get dressed. I'm leaving in 20 minutes, and you smell like wet dog."

"Haha. Very funny."

"Well, you do. Now, get up. Mom made breakfast."

15 minutes later, I was sitting in the passenger seat of Leah's beat-up old Camry, still half asleep. I leaned my head back on the head rest and slept the few minutes to school.

When we got to school, I shuffled my way over to the breakfast table where Jake, Embry, Quil, Jared, Paul, Brady, Colin and the few new werewolves that had first phased since we had 33 vampires in town were sitting.

"Dude, you look like you're still asleep." Brady said.

"Late patrol." I mumbled.

Quil and Embry snickered.

Ignoring them, I asked, "Quil, how's Claire?"

He stiffened slightly. "She's fine."

"How old is she now?"

"Almost seven."

I nodded, my eyes drooping.

Jake pounded his fist on the table, causing me to jump.

Everyone laughed.

"It's not funny!" I complained.

"Then don't fall asleep." Jake said, laughing.

I started laughing, and then looked at my friends who were sitting with me.

There was Jake, who had imprinted on Renesmee; Quil, who had Claire; Jared had Kim; and Paul had Rachel. And, of course, I had Aleena.

The only ones who hadn't imprinted at my table were Embry, Brady and Colin and the newbies.

It was fine for Brady and Colin and all of the new ones; they were only 14 to 16. Embry was 17, almost 18. Leah, well, she was 22. I was kind of worried about her, but I never told her. She'd probably kill me if I ever let her know.

My cell phone that my mom had gotten for Leah and I so she could contact us, werewolf or human, chirped.

I picked it up and read the text message.

look at the main door. J

Confused, I looked toward the main doors of the cafeteria.

I blinked to make sure I was really seeing the person there.


She had the strawberry-blonde hair, but when she turned, it wasn't Aleena. I gasped.

It was Sarah.

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