Chapter Thirty Six ~Seth~

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"OW!" I yelled when Carlisle poked my arm.

"Sorry, Seth, but I need to see how badly it's broken." He said in his 'soothing' doctor voice.

"Bad enough to hurt!" I said through gritted teeth. I whimpered in pain when he poked my elbow.

"Sorry." He said again.

"Don't say sorry; just get it over with."

"Okay. All done." I opened my eyes. "You'll just need a cast for a few days. It's pretty broken."

I nodded.

"And you can't phase until it's fully healed."

I looked at him. "Seriously?"

He nodded. "Yes. It could heal wrong if you phased, and then I would have to rebreak it and put another cast on."

"Okay. Where's the cast stuff?"

"Right here." Edward said, running up.

"Thank you, Edward." Carlisle told him as he took the stuff.

"You're welcome." He said, then turned and run off.

I sucked in my breath when Carlisle started putting the cast on.

After a few minutes, he said, "There. All done. Now, remember, no phasing until it's fully healed."

I nodded. "Now, can we go back to Forks?"

He smiled. "Yes."

"Umm, I kinda need some clothes." I said.

"Oh, yes." He turned. "Edward?"


"Do you happen to have any clothes for Seth?"

"Yes." He ran over. "Here they are." He tossed the clothes in a pile in front of me, and then ran off again.


"How are you feeling?" Aleena asked me for the fifteenth time as she drove down the road to my house. Alice had run ahead of us and driven Aleena's car north and met us.

"I'm fine, Lee." I said for the fifteenth time.

"I'm just making sure."

"I know. But, you don't have to ask so often."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

I looked over at her. She was gripping the steering wheel tighter than necessary, and she had a slightly angry look on her face.

"Lee." I said.


"Don't be mad, please."

"Why would I be mad?"

"I don't know; you just seem mad."

"Well, I'm not."

"Okay, I was just making sure." I shifted in my seat and winced at the pain.

Suddenly, Aleena pulled over and shut the car off. She turned in her seat to face me.

"What?" I asked.

"What is wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting distant since Carlisle set your arm. Why?"

I sighed. "I don't know."

"Seth. You have to know."

I rolled my eyes. "You wanna know?"

She nodded.

"I don't like…being the weak one. The one everybody has to take care of. There, laugh all you want."

"Seth, why would I laugh?"

"Because it's stupid."

"No, it's normal. Nobody likes being the weak one. I don't like being the weak one. Neither do my parents. Nobody does."

"You're right."

"I know. Now, are you sure you're okay?"

I shook my head. "No. I need some serious pain meds right now."

She laughed, and started the car.

"I'm pretty sure your mom has some, seeing as both of her kids are werewolves."

I was too tired to comment.

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