Chapter 5 - "Medical School..."

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Chapter 5 - "Medical School..."

John woke up to a beeping that he couldn't shrug off or shut up.

Turns out it was just his alarm, that he punched and then closed his eyes once again.

He groaned rolling over and ended up squashing the cat that had decided to curl up with John on the bed. 'You have a habit at getting under my nose' John smirked, stroking it's head again and listening to the small rumbles of purrs coming from the cats chest.

'Phone, where the Fuck is my phone?' John grunted sitting up and noting how the sunlight was being a bitch today shining right in his eyes. 'Stupid winter sun' he scoffed, rolling out of his bed and grabbed the mobile that was making noises on his desk.

'Nothing of any interest then' he moaned, slamming it back down and started rummaging through the fridge for something at the very least half decent to eat.

Settling with out of date milk - which tasted pretty sour - and frying up some bacon, he sat down and ate the bacon sandwich before pulling himself together and wandering his bedroom.

It wasn't long after jumping out of the shower before his thoughts went back to the previous afternoon - remembering his patient under protection in intensive care that he suddenly wanted to get to work quickly for.

He sifted through his wardrobe finding a pair of jeans and decided on a blue shirt today - pinning his badge to it once again.

He through a load of washing on - containing mostly puked on shirts, turning it on and let the cat out for a wee.

The car doesn't tend to go far, normally curling up on John's bed before he goes out to work.

Suddenly the thought struck him as to where he had heard the name before. He wasn't sure if it was the same name - but crouched down into the bottom draw and pulled out a book.

'Med school. That's where I've heard the name' John said to himself finally realising where he had heard and seen Clara Oswald before.

He thought about how much younger they were then. They must have been about 20.

He remembered now why the name sounded so familiar. He had always thought about hooking up with her but they hardly even spoke.

He couldn't even remember what she was training to even do at med School. But that was by the by now.

'Work. Got to go to work' John said to himself wrapping up in his coat again and headed out of the flat.

- - -

'Afternoon John. Gruelling Saturday night shift?' Rory smirked.

'Yeah unfortunately. I usually try to avoid Saturday's but I guess having a Sunday off like a normal person will be nice for once' John said.

'Hmm. And does this mean your going to spend the day with Adie?' Rory asked.

'Don't really know. Probably not. She's probably got something going on with her Mother and step Dad' John pouted.

He hated that man.

'She is your Daughter John. You should look after her?'

'She wanted to stay with her Mother after the divorce. I'm sure I'll see her sometime before Christmas' John sighed, wrapping his stethoscope around his neck.

This job isn't the kind of job that you can have whilst having kids.

John hadn't seen his 4 year old Daughter Adalyn for three months now.

His ex wife wasn't very accommodating when it came to seeing his Daughter.

Yes his Daughter is 5 years old. And yes the divorce was five years ago... Doesn't mean that one night stands don't happen every now and again - one very big mistake of a one night stand.

Seeing as they moved a lot further away now - practically the other side of London he never got the chance to go and see her.

It was too far a journey for the day - so he would have to stay over night and he couldn't just take 3 days off of work like that.

And she can't come to him because a 3 year old can't entertain themselves and John doesn't know what shifts he'll be on until a few weeks before - so it's practically impossible for him to get there.

'You know how it is - things to do - patients to go and see' John sulked stepping out of the locker room again and went straight up the stairs to the Intensive care unit.

He buzzed in the door and checked all of Clara's vitals.

'Pupils are looking pretty good this morning. She responding - I take it nothing happened over night?' John asked.

'No she's been stable all night. She is responding to the ventilator which is good news' Martha confirmed.

'Has no one seriously sorted her head out?' John scoffed looking at her face which still had an open wound.

'Were short on nurses. We figured she was doing fine and it's not deep so we'd just wait until someone gets round to it' Martha shrugged.

'I'll do it' John said.

'You have a ward to run?'

'And I have tests to run on this patient. So don't even start with me. Has anyone tried looking ok the system for any relatives? She shouldn't be alone' John said sitting down next to her head.

'No. I'll have a look now' Martha said telling Jack what to do.

'Martha go home. You've been here all night' John said.

'Someone needs to stay here with her' Martha said.

'Well I'm here now. So go home and sleep' John demanded not as an option - more of an order.

John was then left alone in the room still by Clara's head, removing the white pack that was stemming the bleed.

He cleaned around the wound and took the needle, pushing it through her head, stitching the wound.

He grabbed the tweezers and placed 8 strips on the cut which was just above her eyebrow - and considering all the damage her face had gotten off quite lightly.

He double checked her pupils and made sure that they were still reactive and went to the desk in the room, starting to sift through her notes.

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