Chapter 10 - "Step Dragon..."

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Chapter 10 - "Step Dragon..."

John rolled his eyes once she was off of the ward and realised that he was now left to treat the Daughter he hadn't seen in 3 months alone.

He also realised he had a pretty sick patient with a homeless baby to go and speak too.

He had to be the first person to see her when she wakes up again.

'So what was it you ate then?' Rory asked striking up conversation for me.

Adie just shrugged her shoulders.

'You need to tell us sweetheart so that we can look after you properly' Rory said.

'Why are you here? I mean why are you this side of London?' John asked confused.

'Mummy and Dragon were taking me to the London eye' she said innocently enough.

'Right and how was that -- wait dragon?' John asked confused.

'I don't like the step dragon. It's what I call Steve when he's not around' Adie said sort of proud of that.

John wandered away for a moment and Rory looked her in the eyes. 'What did you eat sweetheart?' Rory asked.

'A nut' she confessed.

'And was it a real nut or was it in a chocolate bar or something?' Rory asked with a raised eyebrow having pretty much connected the dots in seconds.

'Mummy said not to eat her nuts but Daddy's a Doctor and he could help' she admitted.

'And did you eat the nuts because you knew that Daddy lives near the London eye?' Rory suggested as she nodded her head.

'Don't tell them. I'll get into trouble' Adie said.

Rory turned around and went to John's office, where he was now hauled up on his own. Rory shook his head slamming the door making John jump too and open his eyes.

'Are you serious? This is the moment you've been waiting for - get out there and talk to her'

'It's just an allergic reaction to nuts Rory. Her throat has cleared up and with 6 hours of the adrenaline she'll be fine' John said.

'Physically - but you realise that's one smart kid you've got out there which is all you' Rory scolded.


'She knew you lived near here John. She ate Rosie's nuts on purpose so that she could come and see you. She just admitted that her Daddy's a Doctor. She's got herself hospitalised to see you' Rory snapped.

John widened his eyes and shook his head. 'Do you think it's the step dragon? I have to say though that if she doesn't like him that makes me feel less guilty about evicting them from my house next month - wow that's going to be a barrel of laughs conversation - they're here now so we can chat at the end of my shift' John hummed thinking things over logistically.

'John. Your not getting the point here' Rory said.

'Look just watch her for 10 minutes while I go and speak to Clara - because her injuries are pretty serious' John hummed.

'Okay. But make sure you speak to her. It is Christmas' Rory pointed out.

'Yes. Six days until Christmas' John admitted, slamming his head down on the desk.

When the Fuck would this Monday shift be over?

- - -

'Clara' John smiled as Clara woke up from her dreary daze and John made damn sure this time there would be no reoccurrence.

'Hi' Clara whispered a bit dazed and very tired still.

'Clara I just need to ask you if there's anyone I can call? Because we really need somewhere for Aria to go' John asked.

'There isn't. I mean there's my Dad but that really is a last case scenario' she muttered thinking and sweating at the idea of talking to her Dad.

She could just hear how that conversation would go down. Hey Dad haven't seen you in three years but I've been stabbed half to my death and I have no where for your 9 week old granddaughter to go that you didn't know about so would you look after her?

'Clara we aren't going to be able to discharge you before Christmas' John said sadly at her. 'She can't stay in the crèche on Christmas day'

'Huh? Christmas. God what day is it?' She asked confused.

'You were admitted on Friday and it's Monday today. You've been out cold for three days. It's December 18th' John pointed out to her leaving Clara to sort out her days.

'God. That's one long nap' she joked but couldn't think of anyone to take the baby. 'I don't have any family of in honest. It's pretty much just me and her' she mumbled. 'And there is no way she's going with her Dad' Clara scoffed.

'Listen Clara. The other driver... The one that attacked you...'

'Yeah. My boyfriend. Well ex boyfriend - well boyfriend... It's complicated' she admitted with an embarrassed glint to her eye.

'Clara he died. He died on Friday night. He was pretty much crushed to death in the car. We did all we could but we couldn't save him' John sighed.

'God. Wasn't expecting that. What a day hey?' Clara joked.

'Believe me. You are having nowhere near the kind of day I'm having' John admitted peeping out of the blinds to see his Daughter sat on the hospital bed with her mother and the step dragon.

A tall and bulky fella who frankly looked like an idiot and was completely ignoring Adie.

Adie was in hospital and instead they were more concerned about sticking their tongues down each other's throats. It disgusted him.

It's no bloody wonder she doesn't like him.

'John?' Clara yelled pulling John out of his daze and looked at Clara.

'Right. Sorry. Yeah. Aria. I can pull some strings for the next few days but Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day she needs somewhere to go. The crèche won't be open. I can call social services--'

'No. Please don't. I'll sort something out' Clara begged knowing she might be able to sort or organise a friend from work.

She figured she could give Adrian a call but who wants a kid dumped on them the most important and stressful three days of Christmas?

'Right well my shift is over. If there's any change I'll be paged and come straight in I promise. Rory your nurse will look after you this evening so if you need anything give him a shout' John smiled.

'Can I see her?' Clara begged suddenly. 'She was in the crash too. Is she okay?'

'She was perfectly fine. Not even a scratch, and I'll see what I can do. Get some sleep and I may be able to smuggle her up here tomorrow' John winked stepping out of the room.

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