Chapter 30 - "In the Bathroom..."

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Chapter 30 - "In the Bathroom..."

John stood up, excusing himself from the table he was at and threw himself across the bar, casually stopping.

'Clara' John asked, looking her in the eye and smirking.

'Doctor John Smith. Wow. Sorry didn't recognise you there. You looked different' Clara announced, pulling herself together and excusing herself from her friends.

Clara was shocked to say the very least at seeing John. He was the last person she had thought she would meet in the club but, stepped forward and spoke to him anyway.

'How've you been?' John asked trying to be subtle but he's a Doctor and he literally seen her organs.

'I've been good. All patched up now. Healed nicely' Clara nodded.

'Good. That's good' John said not really knowing what else to say. 4 months ago he got so close to her and practically knew her whole life story but now he didn't know what to say to her at all.

Normal situations and John doesn't really know how to cope with them at all.

'You been on holiday? You look different. Really tanned' she asked.

'Yeah. Took my Daughter to Florida. We've been away for about 10 weeks now'

'Wow. It's amazing the things you can do with a consultant Doctors wage' Clara chuckled, of whom was pretty drunk right now.

She had started hours ago when she promised to come to this crappy hen night.

She wasn't even sure why she had agreed to come but now she was kind of glad. It gave her the chance to see John again even though she didn't expect him at all.

'How's your Daughter?'

'Yeah. 6 months now. Cheeky little thing. But by all accounts very adorable' Clara said tooting her own horn just a little. 'How's your life? You said you were having troubles with the ex wife the last time I saw you?' Clara asked.

John was completely shocked that she had remembered all of this but then again he remembered every little thing about Clara including the way her dimples formed when she smiled.

- - -

'You know Clara I'm not exactly a smoker' John huffed as he puffed away at the cigarette in the bathroom.

It was raining outside and neither of them fancied going outside in the rain.

'But your smoking it anyway? Don't give in to peer pressure John. Rookie mistake' Clara smirked.

'So your living in Blackpool?' John asked curiously.

'Hmm. With my Dad. Made up with him a little over the new year. But I'm moving back up here soon. Got a new job hopefully' Clara said quite proudly thinking about what it would be like to kiss John.

It seemed completely wrong and totally on impulse, but she watched the way he grimaced as he took a puff of the cigarette and then put it out in the sink.

'Gross. Sorry. I can't do it. That's just disgusting' John said, putting it out and searching his pocket for a breath mint.

'Your a bit of a pansy aren't you?' Clara grinned.

'If you want. But I am very jet lagged at the moment so you need to cut me a little slack' John muttered, but didn't even finish his sentence. He felt lips press hard into his and his eyebrows shot up practically off his head.

Clara had grabbed him by the lapels of his shirt and pressed her mouth to his, kissing him with enough force to push him out of the window.

The best part about all this was that John decided to kiss back.

He knew this was leading to trouble. They are both very drunk. Very stupid right now. Yet both continued doing what they were doing, as Clara pressed her tongue against John's and John responded with a throaty moan.

It's been a while for him - so it wasn't going to take him long and he knew it which is why he pushed Clara away. 'What?'

'Is this a good idea?' John asked, running a hand through his hair and looking down on the petite woman who had pretty pleading eyes that were proving extremely hard to say no too.

'Why not? Your single I'm single. Why not?' Clara asked kissing him again, tasting the small amount of smoke that actually made it into his mouth.

John couldn't believe what he was doing but was more nervous than anything else.

'It's just... It's been a long time' John said nervously, as she started unbuttoning his jeans, but touched his face instead. She gently cradled his face and smiled lovingly.


'So. It's been a long time. I haven't actually done this in a while' John stuttered embarrassed.

'I bet you've never done this in a bathroom either so it will be some firsts for both of us' Clara grinned, in an attempt to make him feel a little better about all this, pushing him into the closest cubicle and shut the door.

'What if someone walks in?' John squirmed but still not saying no at all, but was shocked at how filthy Clara could actually be. She was more than happy to have sex in the bathroom right now.

But then so was John. It's been so long bed practically forgotten what sex was.

'Your not very adventurous are you? Don't worry. I help you out' Clara chuckled, pretty excited by now, pushing his jeans well away from his waist and down to the floor.

He'd stopped fighting it at this point and just did the deed.

He was in a club with a beautiful girl who he really liked not just as a friend but as a person and potential future interest and she was up to having sex with him - willingly.

He found that he wasn't such a rookie after all. In minutes he had Clara up against the cubicle door of the toilet pressed right in her and they both gasped and giggled at how ridiculous this was.

It was such an awkward position that any normal couple would have given up, but it was enough for John, pushing one more time against her and came in an instant, making both of them groan as the bathroom door opened.

Clara widened her eyes and looked at John who was very close to climax and Clara just looked embarrassed. She whispered at him.

'Don't you dare' Clara gasped in a whisper waiting for whoever it was peeing to do their business and leave but it was enough to send John mad, feeling himself release in a quiet manor and groan against Clara's mouth.

Clara had to admit she didn't expect him to be quite that easy to get off, if anything it turned her on even more. So she leant forward to whisper in his ear as the bathroom door closed, and John looked mortified.

'I've go a hotel room. Wanna get out of here?'

John nodded, thinking about everything that had just happened.

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