Chapter 27 - "New Year... New Me..."

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Chapter 27 - "New Year... New Me..."

Clara had made a big decision through all this haste.

After admitting to herself it was a very stupid idea to try and escape the country, she decided that maybe the best thing to do would just be build some bridges with her Dad.

And surely he would want to know that he has a GrandDaughter? No matter how much of a shock it comes as.

So she found the address and tapped it into the Sat Nav, heading up to Blackpool where her Dad lives - or did the last time she saw him.

She knew full well not only would she have to deal with her Father but that she would have to deal with Linda as well, but that was part of the price she had to pay for ignoring them for all of these years.

'Come on Aria. Let's go and see Dad and the Step Dragon' Clara said nervously, as she felt a sharp pull in her stomach.

That could be he fact that she was really nervous or the fact that she was still healing.

She tapped on the brown door knowing it was New Year's Day so not only would Dad be here the chances are that there would be other relatives.

The first person she saw however when she answers the door was her Gran.

Clara was very close to her Gran after the argument with her Dad and going separate ways. She knew that Gran wouldn't have said anything about Aria, but Dad was probably aware that she was seeing her.

'Clara?' Gran whispered, trying not to cause a scene. 'Are you sure you should be here?'

'Yeah. I didn't type in the wrong address I promise' Clara shrugged, hoping she would be invited in.

'Who is it The--' he cut off his sentence and stood agasp in the hallway.

'Hey Dad' Clara stuttered, giving a small wave to her Father that looked like he might have a heart attack.

'What are you doing here?' He asked,
I'm shock, confusion but most of all anger.

'New year. New me' she tried.

- - -

'How much money do you want to leave? I can't be having you ruin the day for everyone' Dad scolded, closing the door behind him leaving the three of them to have a conversation on the door step.

'I don't want money Dad. I just thought of come and visit you' Clara said trying to defend herself as Dave looked down.

'Tell me that's not a baby' Dave said, but he knew straight away it was and from one glance at the brown eyes that we're looking up at him - he knew it was what he thought it was.

'No flys on you is there? Of course it's a baby. Not just any baby but your Granddaughter' Clara tried with a small smile.

'Did you know about this Mother?'

'I did have an idea that she had a baby' she said awkwardly not really wanting to get in the way of them but also didn't want to cause another argument because she wanted them both in her life.

'Ugh' Dave muttered slamming his head against the door frame and groaning. 'You'd better come in. But any funny business or you upset anyone and your out' Dave snapped, as Clara stepped in.

She wanted to run straight upstairs to her bedroom but it was difficult because as soon as she walked in the door she had about 12 pairs of eyes on her.

They all knew she was the failure.

The only Oswald that hadn't made anything of herself but that was when she had left 10 years earlier.

Clara ahead accomplished a lot in that time and seeing as she is a trained Doctor, she knew she had more than what any of them ever imagined.

After leaving home Clara tried several jobs but none of them were really what she wanted, so she got some part time work to put herself through collage.

She redid her A levels at 21 and got straight As and Bs across the board in all her science and maths, getting her a credited entrance to Medical school.

She even got such good grades the second time round that she got a scholarship for the first year.

Her record wasn't squeaky clean. Not in the slightest.

She had to do something for the following 4 year before coming out a foundation 1. She knew that just part time work in a supermarket wasn't going to cover it - so she did some work that she really isn't proud of.

But she was making about £300 pounds a night working as a stripper so she had to do it. It really helped with her debts but of course that was where she met her Boyfriend and it all sort of went even more downhill from there.

He got her, her job which allowed Connor to pretty much do and say to her whatever he wanted, making Clara his personal assistant and slave, threatening to our her past as a stripper.

It was all innocent though. She never took money for sex, that was all done with consent, and the stripping really only got as far as having her boobs hanging out. Most of the time it just consisted of her wearing very small and very tight lingerie.

'Go through' Dad said as she stepped into the lounge and put the seat down, next to the arm chair. She knew there was no way anyone was letting her have there chair - they didn't even know she was injured, so she just gently, very gently bent down and pulled the formula out of her bag.

'Could I umm--' she didn't even finish the question, her Gran had already give her a small smile and snatched the bottle from her hand, heading out to the kitchen to warm it up.

Clara felt the tension in the room, as the kids went back to their games on the carpet and other relatives started muttering to themselves.

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