Chapter 47 - "Broom Cupboard..."

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Chapter 47 - "Broom Cupboard..."

'Where are we going?' Clara asked as John smirked, leading her up the corridor.

'It's a surprise' John smirked, as they approached the cupboard and John locked the door.

'Why are we in the broom cupboard? In the dark?'

'I said I'd make it up to you for Rory busting our lunch... So here we are. You've got me' he grinned.

'Here? As in right here?' Clara asked with a seductive eyebrow, stepping forward and grabbing the lapels on his shirt. 'I didn't think you were so bold Mr Smith?'

'It's amazing the things - and the people that can change you. And technically were on our lunch hour' he said as he grabbed her mouth with his and started a slow kiss.

'You know - I don't think the broom cupboard is very roomy' she mumbled into John's mouth.

'Who needs room Miss Oswald? Your forgetting were the two that fucked in the bathroom - in a very tight space - technically this cupboard is quite roomy' he chuckled, nipping down her neck as she gasped.

It was suffice to say that they were at the beginning of a relationship - so sex anywhere was hoe it went - but they have already got three kids between them not making it easy to ever get any alone time while they are at either on of their flats.

Thus the reason why things like the broom cupboard on a lunch hour becomes a favourite. And it's not the last time the had sex in that broom cupboard that week.

- - -

'Did you even brush your hair this morning dude? You look a mess' Rory scoffed, as John stepped into the locker room.

'Oops' he muttered admiring his sex hair in the mirror and tried to brush I down a little with his hands.

It didn't work but it was a small improvement.

'Listen dude. Don't you think you should maybe get a little distance from Clara?' Rory suggested as John frowned.

'Why would I do that? I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her'

'I'm sure you are mate but you barely know her' Rory scoffed still with a strong dislike for Clara.

'The other day you was all for me being happy and today your all against it. Your mood swings are seriously giving me whiplash' John scoffed, as he headed out onto the ward.

'Bed 6. Clara's just doing the stitches and strips. Probably going to need an x ray' Martha said. 'Oh and I would query child abuse actually' Martha said quietly on the down low looking at the mother who was not very pleasant to look at.

'Right. Can I just take a look at that head?' John asked as Clara shifted out of the way and he checked how deep the gash was. 'How did this happen?' He asked the boy who looked about 8, but the mother answered.

'He fell out a tree at school. Stupid kid has a thing about climbing trees' she tutted, as John shook his head in amazement and checked his pupils. 'When was the last time you slept?'

'Couple of days ago' the boy shrugged having literally not looked up from his game boy in his hand since John had examined him.

'We want to get him into the clinic for ADHD. If you could just help us and maybe get him admitted. Doctors and Gps just never listen' someone muttered from behind and it looked like it must have been the grandfather.

'Right. I'm Doctor Smith. You are?'

'His father' he demanded.

'I'll see what I can do. Let's get him booked in for a head CT and an x ray for that arm' he smiled at Clara handing her the notes as she finished up.

'You'll get him booked in won't you love?' The father asked getting dangerously close to Clara who was finding the whole situation completely ridiculous.

Any Doctor just had to look at the kid to realise he was sleep deprived and addicted to the screen of the video game.

'Your not actually going to transfer him are you?' Clara asked as she followed John into the office.

'Of course not. He just needs a good night sleep or bit of parenting'

'I don't want to treat him if I'm honest. The Dad just got a little too close for comfort out there' Clara shivered making John actually get quite possessive in the moment.

'Don't worry, I'll treat him. Give me his notes and I'll take him for x ray' John nodded as Clara was more than thankful and headed to the canteen for a coffee. She figured John would need a coffee as well after the shit morning he's had.

- - -

'Looks like the scans are clear. He's free to go. I'll grab someone to fill out the final discharge forms' John said finishing off the green plaster cast that the boy had chosen.

'About the referral?'

'Not something I can do I'm afraid. You'll have to go through your GP' John lied as he stepped away and went to meet Clara for coffee.

Little did he know that the guy was following him.

He stepped into the broom cupboard room and sighed in pain again from his chest - swallowing his prescribed pills from the packet and leant against the locker.

He wasn't sure if he was wanting lunch or not. He was considering just skipping lunch and taking a nap. Normally he and Clara - if they have time will see what they can get up too in the broom cupboard but he was feeling exhausted.

He heard the door open assuming that it was Clara seeing this was their agreed lunchtime Fuck place and turned around to find the father of his patient standing in front of him.

'Huh? This is the staff broom room sir, you can't be in here' John tutted motioning towards the door.

'We want the kid transferred' he said through gritted teeth.

'With all do respect - there's nothing that any medical doctor can actually do. My advice - my professional advice - would be to take the gameboy off of him for a bit and let him have a couple of decent nights sleeps and you'll find that he'll perk up a little. I do hate it when people think that it's okay to just stuff pills down kids throats as the answer to their problems' John muttered.

The gentlemen scoffed, slamming the door and walked up the corridor, as Clara went to go into the broom cupboard as she normally would, what she didn't realise was that John was the other side of the door - literally and the door went straight into his face.

It wasn't the first time that he had broken his nose and he's sure that it won't be the last.

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