Chapter 35 - "Coffee..."

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Chapter 35 - "Coffee..."

'So how is Adie?'

'Getting on with things. She's hopefully settled in to nursery life and hasn't asked for her mother once'

'So your going to keep her?' Rory asked a little worried about some of the rash decisions that John might possibly make when it comes to his daughter.

'Yes I'm going to keep her. I couldn't send her back to them id miss her too much. She's a hilarious little thing and totally makes my shit days worth it. Going home to that beaming face' John said closing the locker and headed out onto the ward.

'And still no word from Clara?'

'Nope. What's the point? I stopped calling last week. It's been like 6 weeks with no answer so it seems pointless to keep calling now' John muttered feeling a little depressed about that.

It was coming up to the summer and John was really hoping that he might just get through to her.

'Good. She a waste of space. If she can't call you back then she's not worth it. You need someone who's actually going to bother looking for you. And wanting to love you' Rory scoffed.

'Whoa. Who said anything about love? I only technically called her that second time to see if she wanted to hook up again. No one said anything about actually loving her. Yeah she was great but it was and we both agreed a one time thing' John said annoyed that Rory just won't stay out of his love life.

He has this insistence on getting involved in John's love life. He realises it's because he cares but John can sort himself out. He is nearly 30 years old.

'Sorry. Look I'm sorry okay, I just care'

'Just leave me alone Rory' John scoffed, as he headed out to the ward and muttered to himself for the remainder of the morning.

- - -

'Sick? What do you mean sick?'

'Seems to us like the flu Mr Smith. We won't want her back here for a few days until it's all clear' The nursery teacher said, as John took Aides hand.

He lifted her up into his arms as she rested her head in the crook of his neck, as she snivelled not feeling at all well.

'Do you like living with me Adie? You don't want to go and live with Mummy again?' John asked, as he handed her the pyjamas and she climbed into bed.

John had promised a Friday night pizza and a movie, agreeing they could watch it in his room together.

'I don't want to live with Mummy, I want to live with you' she said suddenly sitting up and hugging her teddies. 'I don't have to live with the step dragon again do I?' She cried almost about to cry.

'No. Of course not, your living with me now' John promised as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 'I don't want to leave you daddy. I like living with you' she said in a whisper.

'Well that's good because Daddy likes the company' he promised excited at the prospect of it just being the two of them.

He didn't need a girlfriend because he has his Daughter and he's a father - and he'll make damn sure now that he's got the chance that he's a good one.

- - -

'Latte. Two sugars please' John said at the barrister Monday morning as he browsed the options that were available for a morning sandwich.

'Anything exciting?' Someone asked in the distance and he just chuckled.

'Looks like the best option is a bacon Butte - Clara?' John asked looking up at the small brunette who looked shockingly pale and definitely over dressed for a morning in the hospital.

'Hey John' she smiled picking up the bottle of water she was admiring and handed the barrister the sandwich she had picked out, digging down her purse for some money.

'Latte?' She called as John grabbed it and gave her a 20 to cover his and Clara's, as she awkwardly said thanks and they sat down at the two seater table.

This was Clara's chance to tell John. Go just drop the bomb on him and end never to have to look back again.

She knew she was tight on money and raising two kids was not going to help that - but she also knew that he already has a demanding ex wife that tries to get money off of him on a monthly basis.

And he might decide that he doesn't want another kid and that he doesn't want to be involved - but who was she kidding? As soon as she tells him she's pregnant he would be all over her like a rash.

He's too decent of a guy to not be. Which is probably the reason for avoiding the topic.

The real reason she was here of course was to go for a 12 week scan. This hospital is the closest to her house - the one that her Doctor sent her too. It didn't seem very realistic to be traveling to and from Blackpool every time she had an appointment or blood test.

'You okay? What are you doing here?' John asked in a mumble not sure what to say to her.

He had finally given up on actually seeing her again but here she was - sitting right in front of him.

He thought about asking her out again in that moment but then remembered how he had vowed that he just couldn't get involved in someone that was untrustworthy.

'Meeting a friend later on today' she lied.

'How's umm - Aria. How's the baby?' John's asked.

'Yeah she's good. 8 months now. They grow so fast' she muttered looking down at the table. 'How's your daughter?' She asked feeling terrible for having misplaced her name, but she had an awful lot to think about at the moment,

'Yeah. She'll be 5 in October. Can't wait really. She'll be in school soon as well. Ex wife is still giving me hell but what other reason is there for her existence?' John scoffed, about to go into a rant but she was running late for her appointment as it is.

'I've got to go John. Nice seeing you again' Clara said as she jumped in the lift leaving John to blankly stare at the wall.

He wasn't sure what to say.

Or what to think.

But there was one thing he knew for sure and that was that she hadn't changed at all.

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