Chapter 41 - "Paternity Leave..."

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Chapter 41 - "Paternity Leave..." 

'Paternity leave?' Rory accused. 'You've got to have an actual biological baby for that to happen?' Rory accused, looking at the baby in his arms.

Rory wanted to deny the fact that the baby in front of him was John's. He wanted to tell him that he was being an idiot and that Clara was using him - especially seeing as Rory was there through the whole post Clara phase when she wouldn't call him back.

But even he couldn't deny the fact that the baby in John's arms was the spitting image of his Father. Same nose. That's what gave it away.

'It can't be. Are you sure?'

'Pretty sure' John nodded, egg on everyone else on with the congratulations and careful hugs.

'So your going for 4 weeks and we didn't even know you were having a kid?' Martha asked, with a broad smile on her face.

'Ironically neither did I until this morning, but he's here now and so I'm going to do all I can to help. I didn't get to do the baby bit last time and I'll be damned if that's being taken away from me this time' John scoffed, and no one could deny how determined he was about that.

'Oh my god. This is great news. Rory go and ring Amy and tell her that they'll be drinks/baby shower at the pub tonight' Martha squeaked.

'I really don't think there's a need for that' John said going red just thinking about it.

'Rubbish. Six o clock. In the pub. Don't be late' Martha said as John widened his eyes.

'Shit. The time. Oh fuck' John scolded himself, as he took the stairs two at a time back to the maternity ward and flew through the doors.

In all his haste and everything that had happened be forgotten about his own Daughter.

'Woah. No running in the corridors you should know that better than anyone Mr Smith and with a baby in your arms?' The midwife spat.

John ignored her witty comments and blundered through Clara's room door, slipping the baby into the cot. He threw some words on a piece of paper and ran for the car park.

- - -

'Daddy are we going to work?' Adie asked still a little scared of the hospital. The last time she was at his work she was run over by a car.

'Yeah. But Daddy has more of a surprise there for you than you know' he said with a glint to his eye, looking at Adie through the front mirror, as she played with her little game console.

John was more than worried about how all this was going to work out - but he knew he would just have to get over it.

After picking Adie up from school over 45 minutes late, and blundering in covered in blood to the reception classroom looking like he was fresh from a crime scene, but now he was walking hand in hand with his daughter up to the maternity ward.

He felt pretty bad about Adie meeting Ollie first but he would check with Clara first before Adie came in.

'Hey' John said, as he poked his head through the door, seeing Clara half dead on the bed. 'I've got Adie. Is it okay if we come in?' John asked raising an eyebrow.

'Yeah' Clara mumbled, as John lifted the 5 year old into his arms and stepped in with her.

'Adie this is Clara' John said, motioning to Clara on the bed who waved and then nodded down to the baby. 'And this is Ollie. This is your little brother' he smiled, kissing her forehead.

'I have a little brother?' She asked confused.

'Well half brother, but yes. A little brother' John smiled dropping her to her feet. 'Can I take him to my boss? It's just that I need some evidence' John said awkwardly.

'He's already been discharged and I'll be discharged tomorrow. Take him where you like. But bring him back' Clara scolded knowing that she wouldn't be able to part with him for long.

- - -

'Mr Smith. I heard you put on quite the show in the lift today' Tom said, turning round and noting him standing in the doorway with a baby in his arms. 'Is this the baby?'

'Turns out he's my baby' John said nervously. 'So I'm just here to hand in my forms for four weeks paternity leave' John smiled, feeling a little relieved that he has a pretty good excuse when it came to getting some time off now.

'4 weeks?'

'I'll be back January 15th' John chucked, with a smile and stepped out of the room.

Boy did that feel good.

- - -

'Guys. This is just Crazy' John scoffed when he walked into the pub after work, with Adie attached to his hip.

'Daddy. Why is there lots of balloons?' She asked.

'It's what people do when other people have babies sweetheart. This is all way too much' John muttered.

'Tough because you deserve a good time' Martha said. 'I still can't believe you didn't tell us you were having a baby until now... But you deserve a drink' she smiled handing him an orange juice.

'I didn't know myself until today' he smirked dropping Adie to the floor who ran straight for Rory, and took the orange juice. 'But this is really nice' he smiled.

- - -

Parties are fun... But not when you can't drink. John found quite quickly that they are pretty dull.

So he quickly asked Amy if she'd have Adie for the night which of course she was happy too and he headed back to the hospital.

He thought about going home and maybe getting some sleep first... But decided that he couldn't be bothered seeing as he was so close to the hospital.

He pushed open the double doors of Clara's room and smiled at the fact that she was asleep - which after bringing a person into the world - she totally deserved.

'Hey there little man' John said, as he stroked his cheek not wanting to disturb him too much as he saw Clara stir.

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