Chapter 2 - "Road Traffic Accident..."

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Chapter 2 - "Road Traffic Accident..."

'What have we got in this accident then?' John asked, clearing some beds and sorting out the theatre slots.

'Two drivers. Collided on the road'

'Doesn't shock me. The roads are like death traps out there. There's so much ice' John analysed.

'Yeah. That's probably apart of it - but there's a query stab wound' Martha pointed out.

'Okay, I'll take that one. You take the other driver' John said. 'Rory your with me' he pointed.

John stood behind the desk, waiting for the call to say they're on the way up, grabbed a pair of gloves and headed for the door.

'Okay. What we got?' John asked looking at the first patient.

'Male. In his 30s. Crushed pretty much in the crash, but stable'

'Okay. Bed 4 then' John said seeing his patient the second person in the accident. 'Bed 11' John said as he looked down. 'What we got?'

'Female. Late 20's at a guess. Police said she was stabbed in the lower abdomen before jumping in the car. Apparently she was running from someone - causing the car to skid off the road. Been unconscious since we got to the scene but she's lost a lot of blood. Query head wound which did stop bleeding with pressure. Possible broken collar bone - several broken ribs, and possible whiplash - could be a potential back injury' John was told as the trolley was wheeled next to the bed.

'Okay. On three move her off the board' John announced as they carefully moved her from the board to the bed, and John checked her pupils. 'Pupils look responsive' he said.

Rory started inserting IVs and other needles and things, inserting a line and catheter.

'Lets get her straight up to X- Ray and someone organise a blood transfusion' John demanded, taking the bG from another nurse as she was wheeled away.

'Louis Vuitton - it's suits you John' Jack smirked as John had it on his elbow rooting through it.

'Yeah. I'm sure it does' John responded rolling his eyes, and pulling out a purse.

'Ooo. I like a man that can accessorise' Jack laughed as John pulled out a matching purse.

'Get over it Jack. I'm never going to date you. For a start I swing the other way'

'Me too dude... But it's worth a try' he joked, as John looked through the purse.

'Ahah. Drivers license' John said pleased with himself, typing in the name to the computer. 'Clara Oswald. Born November 23rd 1986. She's 28' John said aloud mostly to himself but other people were listening.

He continued to tap away looking for her files, and smiled upon finding the information he needed. 'Rory. Let's get a blood transfusion set up for type B yeah? And make sure there's enough. She's going to have to go straight to theatre' John sighed but was kind of glad something like this had come up.

It really kills the hours of you have an interesting case to work on.

'Here's the results of the X-ray' Rory said handing John the iPad and he zoomed in on the x Ray.

'Jesus. Okay there's a lot of pressure on her heart. We'll have to do something about that' John said stepping forwards to the side of the table and told Rory what to organise as he checked the knife. 'That kidney is not looking good either' John mumbled.

'What first?'

'Right book theatre. We're going in, in a minute. I'll sort this out first though' John said grabbing the scissors and cut straight through the fabric of the shirt.

'That was a pretty nice top John. Why you got to ruin everything?' Jack chuckled.

'I'm really not up for jokes today Jack' I said rolling my eyes. 'How's the other driver?' John asked.

'Not good apparently. Their trying and doing all they can' Jack said suddenly becoming serious.

'And how are we doing for next of kin for her?' John sighed.

'Yeah. Turns out he was her next of kin'

'You have got to be kidding me?' John sighed.

'No, and the police are waiting outside. They need a word with you before you take her to theatre or start messing around with the knife' Jack said, pointing to the two officers outside the door.

'Right. Okay' John muttered realising this case was more than he was expecting. 'Rory. Needle?' John demanded, looking for the perfect position just under her chest and inserted the needle carefully - draining all the blood that was putting pressure on her heart. 'And?'

'Pressures rising - so is her BP. She's stable for now' Rory inspected, and John smiled to himself pulling the stethoscope from his neck and checking the sound of her chest.

'Sounds good' he said, as Jack bounded in.

'Your needed in Cubicle 4' Jack said making John jump to.

'Right. Let's get that blood transfusion done and see if we can't get a full body CT scan. I need to see just how much damage has been done from that knife' John said, quickly running towards cubicle 4.

'Charge to 100' Martha said looking over at John who checked the scan. 'Clear' she said as the mans body jerked on the table.

'No output' John said, zooming in.

'Charge to 150?'

John nodded as they charged again and his body jerked on the bed once again. 'How long?'

'It's been 40 minutes he's been like this. Charge to 200?' Martha suggested.

'Check his pupils' John instructed, watching her do so and looked at John. 'Fixed' Martha mumbled. 'And unresponsive'

'His airways sound clear but--'

'Charge to 200' John confirmed, injecting some adrenaline into the Iv on his hand and shook his head, as they charged again and no change.

'Still no output' Martha said.

'Okay. We'll have to call it' John said sadly not really wanting to loose a patient tonight but it didn't look like he had much choice.

Martha nodded in agreement, as she stopped the machine and took a pulse.

'Time of death; 22:26' John confirmed stepping away from the cubicle to give the man some dying dignity and slammed his head on the wall.

This was one of the things he hates about the job.

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